im gonna kill him one day!


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ok so we have named some of the folks that live in our aquariums.
this short story is about a crab named Big Claw.
i have a crab that has blackish legs with white bands around his legs and claws. he has 1 huge claw and one smaller.
this crab is a pain in the ......... and he doesnt like me either. i have a
long plexi line from the down tube of a undergravel filter that has about 1 inch of air line connected to it. i use this little tool for everything.
big claw has been such a pain in my side that ive started being a pita back to him. hes my cardo crab. he works out. he will run around the tank
up and over or down and under everything. just around and around til he gets tired. usually about 10 times, full speed. oh yes he does this daily.
he always seems to be the daredevil too. so i take my little tool and i'll knock him over the rocks down to the sand, or whatever i can do.
yep its mean but i dont care. its a game we play. every morning when i come down to go to work i check out my tank just to see if things are going smooth as they should be. he will always be there at the front glass
like hes waiting on me. he sees me then he will pop his shell up and down real fast like hes trying to tempt me, push my buttons.
ok so i did a deal with lil rob for a frag rack to put my frags on.
the rack was slightly touching the rocks, allowing BC to get up there and wreck my frags just to pizz me off. ok so i raised the rack up about 4 inches so he couldnt get on there any more. after a couple of days
rolling in my own glory that i have once again defeated BC in our game, it happened. i came home and my rack was wrecked. what happened? how can this be? so my little snails got the blame. (sorry guys) so i reset the rack. again the next day the same thing, come home and im wrecked again. dang snails. ok a week goes by and this happens a couple more times. again and again i reset the rack. so yesterday i came home a little early and i look at the tank expecting the same thing as before.
guess what i find? heres that dang crab riding up on the back of a snail to the frag rack. i watch him from a distance. he goes up, does his damage, and waits to catch a ride back down, and he does. that SOB of a crab has out smarted me again. lol we have battled eachother for almost a year now. he goes and does something and i'll "pay him back". he hates that little tool i have too. if he sees it coming he will stop what hes doing and run. dont you show him pity, we must unite as one and beat this crab. lol
i can tell you this, there has been times i wanted to get a slingshot and fire his little butt out in the middle of 400.
when i get myself together and get working on my 135gal hes being banished to the sump. i refuse to get rid of him because even though hes a pita, hes pure entertainment. its funny to watch and see just how smart these little creatures can be.
That's the best thing I've read all day. Thank you Rick, for sharing your enjoyment with all.
that SOB of a crab has out smarted me again. lol we have battled eachother for almost a year now.

Probably would have left out the part about you getting outsmarted by an invertebrate the size of a golf ball...

Please...... Name him BILL!!!!!!!!

Then you could do your best Uma Thurman impersonation........

(all splattered in blood)</em>

"I'm Going to KILL BILL!!!!!"
Dakota9;418700 wrote: Please...... Name him BILL!!!!!!!!

Then you could do your best Uma Thurman impersonation........

(all splattered in blood)</em>

"I'm Going to KILL BILL!!!!!"

lol we have an engineer goby named dollar bill. why? becauses hes as long as a dollar bill.
That was a very funny read. I sort of pictured it in my head as Pixar cartoon or something...and for some reason I keep picturing the crab riding the snail saying..."Ha-ha. How do you like me now, dumb***???
Hackman72;418812 wrote: That was a very funny read. I sort of pictured it in my head as Pixar cartoon or something...and for some reason I keep picturing the crab riding the snail saying..."Ha-ha. How do you like me now, dumb***???

the look on his face said the very same thing hackman. :D
one day im gonna fix his wagon.
I can only imagine the pride he must have. Riding that snail up to your loft of frags and busting it up. Then chillaxin on the snail ride home. To funny.