Im stumped... Dt water level rising


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So I have recently had issues with my display tank water level constantly rising higher than the overflow box teeth. I tried cleaning all the pieces and no difference. My return pump is turned as low as possible and this problem just started. Im stumped. ANy ideas to fixing the issue.
nope, just cleaned it plus i use a prefilter sponge over the drain hole so no way anything can really get down there
Take out the prefilter and see if the issue stops. Maybe the filter is causing the water to drain slower
JimmyStephens;971016 wrote: Take out the prefilter and see if the issue stops. Maybe the filter is causing the water to drain slower

+1 if it just happened after working fine, flow is being restricted somewhere.
When you say cleaning all the pieces what do you mean?

Make sure in the bottom of your overflow box at the bulk head area that nothing is caught. My Nem took a ride and got stuck there before ending up in my filter sock!
I cleaned the boxes, utube, bulkheaad etc. took the prefilter off and it doesnt make a dif
turned down means it has a knob the controls the amount of water that can pass through the propeller. No bubbles in utube. and the level of the back of the box where the drain is was still at min, just like a half inch of water. It just stopped rising, i didnt change anything though... no the level is staying at below the teeth
I would think something is obstructing the water flow in to your sump. Can't really be anything else. Are the drain lines PVC or vinyl tubing?
LegalReefer;971045 wrote: I would think something is obstructing the water flow in to your sump. Can't really be anything else. Are the drain lines PVC or vinyl tubing?

This^. You have more water entering the tank than is leaving. Look for an obstruction, either air or something solid from your overflow to the sump.
This is why I gave away my HOB overflow/sump system.. a pricey one at that. I just wouldn't ever rely on one. There was an issue which magically resolved itself, that's worse than determining the issue and the solution if you ask me
SaltyVixen;971033 wrote: turned down means it has a knob the controls the amount of water that can pass through the propeller. No bubbles in utube. and the level of the back of the box where the drain is was still at min, just like a half inch of water. It just stopped rising, i didnt change anything though... no the level is staying at below the teeth

If and when you are able, try to make the switch to a drilled tank. I switched to drilled tanks roughly 20 years ago and would never own a HOB overflow again. Too easy to have a flood with the HOB overflows.

I know switching livestock over to a new tank can be a pain, but I guarantee you will wonder why you didn't do it months ago. Keep an eye on the classifieds. There are always drilled tanks coming up for sale cheap.
Valve down the return pump and see what happens. You are deffinatley returning more than is draining.
Any chance of a kink in the drain line between the box and the sump? Does the drain hose go uphill at all?

I'm with everyone else - something is impeding the flow down. If it's not a siphon issue, then it has to be a gravity issue.

Acroholic;971066 wrote: If and when you are able, try to make the switch to a drilled tank. I switched to drilled tanks roughly 20 years ago and would never own a HOB overflow again. Too easy to have a flood with the HOB overflows.

I know switching livestock over to a new tank can be a pain, but I guarantee you will wonder why you didn't do it months ago. Keep an eye on the classifieds. There are always drilled tanks coming up for sale cheap.

+ 1 what he said!! :yes:
don't take offense to this …since it is simple.. but you are using the BIG hole for the drain and the little for the return right?

is it a bean animal by chance?

also, this is an internal overflow and not a overflow box correct ? so there's no u tube junk to mess with
SnowManSnow;971268 wrote: somebody go over and fix it
SnowManSnow;971267 wrote: don't take offense to this …since it is simple.. but you are using the BIG hole for the drain and the little for the return right?

is it a bean animal by chance?

also, this is an internal overflow and not a overflow box correct ? so there's no u tube junk to mess with
Its an over box, HOB. there is a utube. its is vinyll tubing as a drain line. thats how it came, i would love to get this tank drilled and use another form of draining but cant afford it atm.
What size tank and whats the pump you using rated? Sounds like the pump is just pushing more water back. You can put a ball valve on the return slow the water thats being returned and get it to where you want it