Important info. on fish food recall !!!!


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Follow link and dispose of contaminated foods.

Yikes! I do have some of that food (in the attic) listed in the article. I will just have to throw it all out to be safe even though I bought it a long while back. I dont keep freshwater S. American or African Cichlids any longer. Thanks for the heads up Mafia! :)
washowi;47843 wrote: Good info, now JOIN ARC!! :)

He lives in the FL Keys ... or at least resides 75% of the time there and currently does not have a maintained tank. Just dives several times a week. :up:
Nah, he is just working there on a job..He will be back....and who needs a tank to join this anyway? We are DIVERS as well!!

Chris???? I know there were problems a while back......But we are new now, and they don't like me alot :)....I will take the heat for you...;) Now join, I want Divers in ARC!! We need to stay together..

And I want diving to be a bigger part of this site.

We need an ARC Dive Club or something...
Todd, I'd feel privileged to participate in your dive club/group.
But as far as joining goes, I still support members, the hobby, and the vendors who support them. But I see nothing different about the BOD from the one that insulted my wife. Even lately with deleting post of members and BOD officials making post to draw flame. Heck I made a comment about a poor business model and had a BOD member immediately started to spread rumors about my place in the hobby, my place of residence, and my marital status. And even suggested banning me for the statement. LOL (it is comical)
So I see no change, But I support your efforts, the hobby, and the hobbyists.

Did you see my latest dive pictures with the great big turtle and Groupers?
Of course!! I love your photos!!!

I leave for Bonaire in 3 weeks..look for some good pictures from me...Sorry about the ARC BOD and you.......but WE are divers first!! Dive safe, Dive deep, Dive often!!