in a perfect world...


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in a perfect world i would:
. get a refractometer for christmas
. have it already be calibrated when i got it
. have the results come out exactly the same as my hydrometer (that came INSIDE the bucket of salt, unwrapped)
. wonder what I have done wrong

is it possible that my refractometer is crazy or is my hydrometer just that accurate? I got a refractometer because i heard how a hydrometer was just like guesswork. Did I just get lucky, did I do something wrong, or am I really living in a perfect world after all?
Hydrometers can be accurate and some are. The problem is you don't know when they are usually and things like air bubbles can radically throw off the reading. I think your refractometer was just backing up your previous readings which is good.
Hydrometers work well when they are new, after a few years, they become more inacurate due to build-up on the needle. Mine was 15 years old when i replaced it, but still it was only .003 off, which could still be problematic, but I'm happy with my refractometer, which came perfectly calibrated, (I think).
I`ve found that iff You clean them after every use with RO they last much londer and stay faily accurate.I do now use a refractometer though.But the old swingarms still will do the job and pretty accurately in My experience.