In serious need of an Aptasia eating monster


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My tank has had a sudden outbreak of aptasia in the past couple of weeks. I had been hitting them with Joes Juice ,which usually works for me. There are so many now that I'm thinking I need something that will prey on them. I've used Peppermint shrimp in the past with ok luck, but never this many.

Thoughts and suggestions are welcome.
One of the great features of this fish is that if it develops a taste for your zoas or other corals, it is the easiest fish on the planet to catch. Black your tank out for an hour at night, then go in and grab its tail with a pair of tweezers or catc hit with a net. They stay in the open at night and try to look like a piece of seaweed attached to a coral.
Thank you for the info Dave!
I was considering one, but was hesitant due to it starving once it has eliminated the Aptasia. I wasnt aware that they were that easy to catch.

Does anyone know of a sponsor store has any available?
I bought a file fish bout two weeks ago for aptasia control. The poor guy was little and they cant swim very well. He could hardly keep up with my pumps on. He ate 1 mysis shrimp and i havent seen him sense.

When a fish is little like this, what do you do? Can you buy them larger, mine was about a little bigger than say two quarters.
Gort;795925 wrote: I bought a file fish bout two weeks ago for aptasia control. The poor guy was little and they cant swim very well. He could hardly keep up with my pumps on. He ate 1 mysis shrimp and i havent seen him sense.

When a fish is little like this, what do you do? Can you buy them larger, mine was about a little bigger than say two quarters.

Maybe temporarily slow down your flow for a while until he gets the Aiptasia under control? These guys do fine with high flow, IME though, as mine were small when introduced into my 300, and I had two MP60s blasting away. Maybe yours was not in the best of health, instead of the flow being to blame?