Indo hammer help


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Cumming, GA
Hey everyone I’ve had an Indo hammer for a few weeks now and it’s been doing great but the other day now I noticed it was sucked up and it won’t open up, it’s still alive as I can see the meat on it but something has it stressed out as heck. Only thing that I can think is that my condy anemone decided after a year to move all over the tank and I saw it hugging on it the other day. Is that enough to kill a hammer? My parameters are great as I tested myself and took some in to get tested at an lfs. I’ll post pictures of the before and after also I just want my beautiful indo back:(

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Please do post pictures. I've never had much luck with the species but there are some real pros here that might be able to lend a hand. A condy can pack quite a sting in my experience and that may be the cause of your current woes.
Yes the anemone can kill the hammer. It's already been injured from your description... hopefully it'll bounce back. Sadly there is nothing you can do for it other than be patient with it. If it'll accept food that would help it heal I imagine.
Sorry for the delayed response! Was out of town here is a pic of it now, it has definitely come back a tiny bit more but it’s still not happy at all

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I bet it did get stung. Let me w courage you to stick it out w the hammer. I have one of “those” gold torches and it got
The crap stung out of it. The tissue recessed all the way back to the two opposite sides but it has grown 50% back!
So keep it safe, keep things steady and I bet it will be fine long term

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