Instant Ocean Update


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I've read a lot of concerns about the stability of IO. Some say they are going under but the info I have is they are alive and well. I have had some recent contact with them on some totally different matters but asked them a question about their companies stability and this a the part of the email I received grom them on this subject: (I have their permission to post this)
Oh you don't have to worry about us. We are profitable, we are just
> cutting back to stay profitable. And when those blogs say they don't
> like our salt then ask them why is it number one in the world,
> literally, and all of the major aquariums in this country, without
> access to the ocean, including Baltimore and Georgia, buy hundreds of
> lbs of it every two weeks. It is also the only one the EPA has
> approved. None of the other salts can say these things. Nor can they
> show an article that verifies these things or shows how it is the
> closest to natural sea water on the market.

> Barbara Link
> UPG Aquatics
> Customer Care, Senior Specialist

Hope this helps with the rumors.
Well I can attest to their price jump! It could be petsmart, but I paid 28 bucks for a bag of reefcrystals the other day. That is just outragious!
I'll stick to my Seachem Reef Salt, mixed at the same plant as IO, just for Seachem. It has a better spread of Calcium and Magnesium and trace elements we all shoot for in the reef tank enviroment.

IO is #1 in market share because they are one of the cheapest "good salts" but the trace elements are lower than I would ever run a reef tank at. Perfect for a FOWLR tank though.

I converted from Reef Crystals to Reef Salt 2 months ago in my store. I have not dosed Calcium (480) or Magnesium (1480) since I converted. And my store is primarily corals and inverts. The only thing I have to dose is a buffer.

Just my two pennies. :)

I knew I forgot to buy something on Saturday. Only have enough salt for about one more water change...

I'm switching to Seachem next bucket I buy.
I would LOVE to use Seachem, but I cannot get it anywhere locally. MY LFS here, will not even order it for me because

This is what they told me, "they had problems with their salt killing tanks a few years ago"

I will not go back to them...
Petsmarts carry seachem, I think. THey may be able to order it for you, if they carry other SC products.

I used seachem, switched to Reef Crystals, and have since switched back. I like the seachem better as far as the parameters, and it seems to mix cleaner than the RC. Also my RC tended to mix really high on KH, like near 12 after a couple days, which I didnt like.
the LFS. Everytime I ask them to order something that they don't have, its this or that, or this or annoying. I would have to pay a ton in shipping for salt, so I am stuck with reef crystals here from pet smart untill someone here gets it.

Or maybe I will order a pallet, and sell it out of my house for all my Middle GA peeps!
I may run up to keen reef one day when I go to stone mountian. I have been dying to drive up there anyway.