Introduction and Recommendations


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Hello everyone. I've been a member of the forum for a while now, but never actually took the time to post anything. I'm hoping to start being a little more active.

I've been keeping fish tanks for going on 10 years now. Ive had anything from a small 10 gallon fish only, a 40 breeder reef tank, and all the way up to a 150 gallon predator tank.

Currently I have the following tanks up and running.

- 75 gallon Cichlid tank
- 65 gallon Planted tank (first attempt at this)
- 20 gallon Hexagon Commhnity Tank (this is my wife's play tank)
- 40 Breeder reef tank

I am in the process of replacing my 40 Breeder with a Red Sea Reefer 350. Took a long time, but I finally "convinced" the wife to let me do it. I'm planning on sitting the tank beside my current 40 Breeder and taking some time to set it up slowly before I transition everything over. The only thing I currently have in my 40 are 2 clowns, CUC, cleaner shrimp, bi-color blenny, 2 hammer corals, flower pot, zoas, green mushrooms, and a big rock of GSP.

Anyway. So far I have the following items purchased for the tank. Vortech L2, 2 Aquamaxx Media Reactors, 1 Aquamaxx Biopellet reactor, 1 MP40, sand, rock, and salt. I'm planning to change out the return plumbing to a manifold to run the 3 reactors, if I can manage to fit all 3, a 4th output for possibly a sterilizer in the future, and the return, all off the L2.

I plan to go ahead and set the tank up, using Dr. TIMS One and Only, and adding a fish or 2 then allowing it to run until I can purchase my lights and skimmer before I move my other fish and corals over and start adding more stuff.

Now for the recommendations/questions.

1. I am planning to use the Red Sea ReeferLEDs for my tank, does anyone have any experience with these? I like the amount of research that went I to them and the simplicity they offer while still theoretically giving everything you need.

2. Can anyone recommend a good skimmer? I am thinking about using the Red Sea RSK600 Reefer. I like the idea of keeping with a bunch of Red Sea products, but I am open to any recommendations. I do want to go oversized, in sump, and close to or less than $400.

3. This is the big question. I am setting this tank up as my "dream tank". I plan to have a lot of really nice corals in there over time, so I want to commit to dosing. This is something I have never attempted before. I was looking into the BRS 2 part and adding trace elements. Primarily due to the cost. Does anyone have something that they would more highly recommend or any general commenta on this plan? I am hoping to have a mixed reef and possibly clams in the future.

If anyone has any further recommendations or anything I am missing please let me know.

Again, i look forward to being a more active member and getting to know many of you better.
Setting up the tank first and slowly moving things over time is a great way to go, to can even do water changes on the 40b and put the water in the redsea to help condition it. If possible, i, recommend getting some marinepure balls in the 40b so that they can populate with bacteria, then add them to the redsea once it's setup, it will help a lot in reducing cycling time and effects.

1. The redsea leds are fairy New, but from what I understand they are very beginner friendly as they don't allow the spectrum to be altered that much. I have heard that the color they put out is great.

3. If this is going to be your dream tank, why not consider a calcium reactor? Calcium reactors control alk and ca while also adding in trace elements, it's pretty simple actually. The upfront cost is a little steep, but the payoff is worth it in my opinion. I have used brs two part in the past, it worked well as long as I didn't run out of additive (which I did often) and I used redsea color program for trace elements.

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A calcium reactor is something I would definitely consider if it works better than Dosing. I just know very little about Calcium Reactors. If you use a Calcium Reactor is there anything you still need to dose?

The most important thing for me is something as simple as possible that requires as little attention as possible. I work long days and have a 17 month old at home, so I don't get a lot of time to devote to tank maintenance. That being said, of anyone has any other tips for ways to minimize the time needed for tank maintenance I would appreciate the tips.

I do plan to add an Apex to the system in the future as well. I forgot to mention that earlier.
I had little knowledge on calcium reactors myself before I got one, BRS has some great videos explaining setup and maintenance on YouTube. As far as doing as little as possible, when I set mine up i found the correct output rate and left it alone for two weeks, did a water test and found that I was pretty much where I wanted to be. I don't ever have to do anything to the reactor except add media every 3-4 months. Because i is an apex to monitor/control my tank is practically failsafe.

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