Iodine - Let's collect what we know.


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There are many forms of iodine that we deal with in aquariums. Some supplements are the same, while some vary radically, and others are unsutible for use inside the aquarium. This post will focus mainly on I-(iodide, sold as potassium iodide KI) because it is the form that is actually utilized by coral life. The sum concentration of I2(iodine), I-(iodide), IO3-(iodate).

We all know invertebrates use iodine during molting, but what else does it benefit? Coral uses iodide to assist in the expulsion of excess O2 caused by over active zooxanthella. They uptake I- to convert it to IO3-, which they then release back into the water column.

3O2 + 2I- -> 2IO3-

According to Seachem, KIO3 release the O3 at a pH at or above 8.3 at a very slow rate. You'll understand why that's important to know once I get into product description.

Chris Brightwell in his book Marine Chemistry states, "Iodine may very well be one of the most important elements present in a reef aquarium; its concentration is usually a limiting factor in the rate of metabolism and growth of fishes and invertebrates." He goes on to describe many other ill effects of a lack of iodine.

Iodine can wreck havoc in a system if overdosed and can magnify the growth of cyanobacteria if phosphate and nitrate are not controlled.

So what do they put in those bottles and which one is right for me?

We'll start with my favorite:
Seachem Reef Iodide - KI(potassium iodide). It's very bioavailible as it's in the form that the corals need. It is quickly untilized and should be dosed in small quantities several times a week.

Kent Concentrated Iodine: I2 and KI. I'm not sure as to why Kent included elemental iodide in this blend. It may be because it is double concentration. I2 will become I- in the aquarium, but at a slow rate.

Kent Tech I - timed release proprietary concentrated iodide, I2, KI. Kent's secret iodine receipe! The secret ingredient is IO3-. The premis of this product is a time released iodine supplement that provides for a constant level of iodine, whereas Seachem Iodide will cause spikes. IO3- and I2 both will form I- in the aquarium, but at different rates. This slow breakdown is the secret behind the formula. It's a neat idea, but the concentration is very low. It's dosed 3 times a week at a rate of 5mL/20g of water. This makes it very hard to dose a large tank. Another issue is that a U.V. will cause IO3- and I2 to break down into I- very rapidly, causing a huge increase in I-.

Lugul's Solution- KI, I2. The same as Kent's Concentrated Iodine, except this one really is VERY concentrated. It is dosed at a rate of one drop/25g.

All iodine products on the market are basically going to be a blend or single of I2, I-, and IO3- or just one of the 3, based on the culture and beliefs of the company producing it. I'm sure there's plenty I haven't listed here about iodine, but I hope this helps. Address anything I may have wrong here or ask a question if you need some clarification.
I forgot to add one..

Iodine dips. These typically contain Potassium bromide, which is not safe to introduce to an aquarium.