Iodine Testing


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I have a Seachem Iodine test kit. There were issues with the test and Seachem sent me replacement testing supplies due to an issue with the product in my partictular Lot.

I have now tested 3-4 tiems and am getting a low reading (about .02-03) It is a pale blue. I have been adding iodine about every other day or so trying to reach the .06 mark.

My 2 questions are

1. Can I put too much Iodine in (afraid my test is still not worknig right)
2. Can anyone recommend a different brand of Iodine test
IHAVEADANE;49021 wrote: 1. Can I put too much Iodine in

YES! Iodine is extremely toxic in large quantaties... I generally don't worry about iodine and just rely on waterchanges for replenishing.

Someone else will have to chime in on test kit brands...
I have heard that it is very difficult to test for / detect accurately. 1 x per week I add 1 drop of Lugols Solution to my tank and that is it. I do not recommend adding any supplement without testing but I have been ok doing this.
best way is to not add any at all. If you really have an extreme amount of soft coral and skrimps then i would just add the trace element that already have iodine in it, and do it in a very very conservative amount. Water change covers everything, and with synthetic salt mixes, the iodine in them are about 5-20X higher than NSW.