Is it a flatworm??


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I recently bought a piece of frogspawn from one of our local LFS and it seemed to be doing great for about 2 months. Now the tenticles seem a bit skinny and they seem to draw in more often. I noticed a little flat reddish brown thingy (I believe that is the Scientific Name) :) on one of the tenticles the other day and have seen it since then on different ones. I have never seen more than one at any given time though. As I look closely at the tenticles it does seem that a lot of them have little tiny spots that I am guessing are bite marks. I can't get a pic but does this sound familiar? If so how do I get rid of it?
Thanks, Chris
if you can get the piece out, then just give it a quick fresh water dip. If there are flatworms on it, they should float off.

The next step would be to treat your tank with flatworm exit.

Here is a good article:"></a>

Hope that helps,

I can easily get the piece out. How long should I leave the piece in fresh water?
10 - 30 seconds or so should do the trick. I usually FW dip all my softy's and LPS that I get, just to make sure. If its zoa's I will mix in some flatworm exit and some lugol's iodine.

Keep in mind that the flatworms could be elsewhere in your tank. So if you dip, keep on the look out for them to return.

Good luck,

I have never heard of flatworms eating a hard coral like that...

If they are flatworms, flatworm exit is the ticket...