Is it gonna be allright?


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Sorry to put up a ton of threads about my issues lately but I have another one...bear with me

I had my corals & few fish from my 210 in a 150 gal stock tank. Tonight I filled my new 180 with about 120 gal of water (60 from stock tank and 60 new). The new tank is not plumbed in yet (reason for the short fill) but the stock tank was leaking pretty good so I figured I would let the new tank be the holding vessel til its plumbed vs it leaking all over my floor...

So I got everything over to the new tank and noticed a couple of chalices have a very small patch where I can see the skeleton on one edge....Should I make a cut to stop any bleaching or wait?

The fish and corals are slightly stressed as well and are showing. They have been in a stock tank with only a heater and 2 K4's since Saturday....Im a tad concerned since its wed. I added about 30-40 gal of fresh saltwater to the tub last night in leiu of a water change because I had room and kind of needed to conserve water to fill the new tank. I also added some prime.

I have 2 K4's pointed towards the surface and my MP40 running. I cant get to the plumbing until Friday evening since I need to install come wood under the stand first to accomodate the plumbing design. I plan to add an airstone tomorrow and either add more fresh saltater or do a water change....which is better? I can only make water so fast so its one or the other. Ill be on six days no filtration just good flow by the time it gets running...thoughts? Its mostly coral with 2 tangs, trigger, lawnmower blenny and a wrasse..
Gary, I don't know the textbook answer, but I've had a couple of chalice frags get "wounded" and show skeleton at an edge (after being stung etc), and they recovered fine with no fragging.

BTW, if you need help with the tank going together, just let me know.
I think it may have been from some stinging because everything else looks ok considering their environment.
I did the same when I sold my 92 and upgraded to the 150. I noticed a few little stings here and there but they are all now healed up and growing back already.
Gary, I'm not sure what you mean by no filtration but if you have live rock in the display, then you have the most important filtration already. So if you just mean you aren't running the water down to a sump with a skimmer, UV, carbon, GFO and a filter sock then I think you will be OK. I know once we start running those things we feel a panic if they are turned off for just minutes but most of us didn't start with all that running in the beginning anyway, it was mostly added later as we got more sophisticated with our husbandry.

I'm sure you will get that all back on line as soon as possible, but I don't think you need to panic. You have plenty of water in the tank with lots of flow for oxygenation and live rock for bacterial filtration. So unless there is something there I'm not seeing, I think you are doing fine under the circumstances.
Thanks for the re-assurance guys...I do feel much better. The hard part has just begun though. I have alot less space underneath to work with. Im running the tank open top with the light on top now, its looks pretty

I do have lots of rock in there, honestly I will probably not add anymore that I have in the garage..
I concur with Bud on this - rock, water movement - that's all you really need until you can get the rest sorted. Keep an eye on water quality but most if not all should bounce back.
