Is it possible to skim to much ?


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I currently have a Octopus NW recirc 200 on my 90g "its rated for 300g." I am downsizing soon to a 60g. I have a coralife ss65 as well. Orginally I was gonna use the coralife skimmer. But I really would like to use my octopus skimmer. I am afraid it will over skim the water "take the trace elements and calcium out?" What do you think ?

I've been using 125g and 250g rated skimmers on setups as small as 45 gallons for several years.

The only down side is that if you use things like Kent Zooplex or oyster eggs, the skimmer will go berserk and whip it all out of the water before anything has a chance to eat.
Theirs a number of people who use the DNW-200 on 50-70 gallon tanks. I use a modified NW-200 on a 70 reef. I also use one on 250 gallon reefs work great on both. The small 3.5" dia neck makes it good on both larger and smaller bio loads tank. I agree with George about foods... You cant really skim out calcium.
Just set it up to skim very dry and I think you will be OK. Also, set up a "feed timer" to turn off the skimmer for a couple hours after feeding to give things a chance to eat before you skim it out...
No, you can't overskim. You can't skim out calcium.

George is right about the food thing, it will skim that out, but so will any skimmer. Wouldn't worry too much about it. It would be a good idea to shut it down during feeding though.

From what I have found, even the biggest and baddest skimmer won't be able to skim enough; they get close, but not perfect. Just think, the red sea berlin XL turbo is rated for 400 gallons and it CAN'T overskim anything! Although your skimmer is better, this serves to illustrate my point :)
Their is a diminishing return to the point it doesn't make sense running a larger skimmer cost wise, but I don't think you can overskim in most tanks. I would go with the NW200 unless I wanted to simply run a cheaper skimmer and pump.
Great Guys! Thanks for all the good info! I will use my octo skimmer!! I wont need a feed pump ill just run it directly off my overflow. So the electricity cost wont be much different i would imagine. Because the coralife skimmer and the octo skimmer both use a NW pump. I cant imagine the difference being to significant.