Is RO/DI water safe to drink if Minerals are added to it?


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I am trying to find out how safe (and healthy) could it be to drink the RO/DI water that my filters produce, if minerals are added to it after filtering.
minerals is key. stripped water (pure H20) is supposed to make your bones brittle overtime.

maybe due to lack of calcium in the water?

a lot of people purchase units that allow you to run both RO (for drinking water) and RO/DI.
i wouldnt try it i would remove the di cartridge if your trying to drink can go into septic shock from drink di water .....maybe if it goes threw a taste buckeye supplies on the forums he /she can help
Ok, I guess the best thing is just to keep buying water for me.

Some lady came to my house about 4 weeks ago, and tried to sell me a filter for my home. It had three types of media and the water was subtantially better than the one I got from my de-clo filter. RO water was pretty much alike, except that we could not tell it the good stuff was in it. I did not buy it because she wanted me to pay 5k for it. But I am still considering buying something better for me than the regular PUR...

Do you think that removing/bypassing the DI unit could serve some purpose?
El-Reefo;154847 wrote: Ok, I guess the best thing is just to keep buying water for me.

Some lady came to my house about 4 weeks ago, and tried to sell me a filter for my home. It had three types of media and the water was subtantially better than the one I got from my de-clo filter. RO water was pretty much alike, except that we could not tell it the good stuff was in it. I did not buy it because she wanted me to pay 5k for it. But I am still considering buying something better for me than the regular PUR...

Do you think that removing/bypassing the DI unit could serve some purpose?

a lot of people buy units with a DI bypass valve so that they could use the RO to drink.

RO, i think... is safe to drink. RO/DI is not.
We purchased a RO/DI filter that had (2) outputs on it. The water goes through the RO unit and fills a ~4 gal pressurized reservoir and then cuts off when it is full. On the other end there is a line that comes off the DI stage and is just a water line with a ball valve on the end to fill up RO/DI water for aquarium use. The other comes off a "taste" filter and goes to a 2nd spigot on the sink. The water that comes out of the spigot does not go through the DI stage. Everyone in our house has been drinking this water as it is MUCH MUCH better than the water that comes directly out of the tap or even out of one of the standard screw on filters. I have not ever really questioned if it was safe to drink or not but I know you can buy them at HD specifically for drinking water, it just doesn't have the DI stage.
DI is not good to drink, RO is okay. I put a "T" and valve in before it goes to the DI. I've been drinking it for over a year now, um good :up: . I also put a valve after the "T" to cut the flow off from going any farther than the "T". It helps the flow when I make drinking water. All I do is cut one valve on and one valve off and that's it. :yes:
I've had my RO set for drinking water for years, just T off before the DI into the pressure tank. I run mine to the fridge for water and ice. Only issue I have is the pressure tank isn't big enough and if I'm making a large amount of water for a water change sometimes the fridge runs out of water. Reef first, family drinking water second, oops messed up those priorities...
LOL. Yah I have my ro/di setup the same as Eric above and my wife curses my tank when I'm making water. We have a 5 gallon reservoir of pressurized RO water that can be diverted to the DI, but normally goes to the fridge for ice/water. The RO tastes good :). I've tasted the DI but it tastes like absolutely NOTHING at all. It's a weird sensation... your mouth is wet but there is no flavor or anything else....
Personaly, i'd Tee before my RO membrane. I'd get 30-50 TDS water that is filtered with 0.2 micron sediment filter and a 0.5 micron Carbon block filter. which is better than most bottled waters. You don't need a pressure tank, or a premeate pump. and it does not interfere with RO production or the other way around.

I believe a quality carbon block will remove 99% of anything that should concern us TOC, VOC, ... and keep a little minarals in the water
If folks install a tee between the RO and DI stages, also install a check valve so you don't have pressuried water from the tank flowing back through the DI stage. You also may want an in-line GAC filter if you use a pressurized storage tank. The water can pick up an off-flavor in the tank - this is removed by the inline GAC.

Buckeye Field Supply;155847 wrote: If folks install a tee between the RO and DI stages, also install a check valve so you don't have pressuried water from the tank flowing back through the DI stage. You also may want an in-line GAC filter if you use a pressurized storage tank. The water can pick up an off-flavor in the tank - this is removed by the inline GAC.


Russ, your advice is always so helpful, thanks!

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