Is there a market for driftwood in the area?


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My parents have river access at their home, and when I was younger I would snorkel for driftwood and sell it for use in aquariums, gardens, etc. Now that I'm out of work for the summer I'm thinking about doing it again since it's good exercise and it's pretty fun as well.

I was just wondering: If I found some nice pieces and posted pics here, would there be any interest? I'm not looking to make a mint or anything, I was thinking $5-$10 depending on size.

Here's a piece I pulled out a few weeks back for my wife's 20g:

While there's probably a small market here, you'd have trouble getting past the whole not being a sponsor issue. You could probably do better printing a flyer and going to LFSs.
I didn't realize that would be an issue since there's a subforum devoted to trading and selling. I just wanted to see if anyone would be interested before I bothered with it.
If you got a really nice piece (big) I would consider taking it for a wall mount.
If you will get me a nice piece of wood to fit a 55 gallon, I will pay your membership fee. It could be 2 pieces.:D Holley
Alrighty, well I'm going tomorrow to see what I can dig up. I'll let you guys know.
I would like to have a larger size piece also. I have a 55 freshwater tank that needs some sprucing up.
It softens your water (which usually isn't an issue since Georgia has pretty hard water anyway) and can affect the ph, as well as negatively affect your beneficial bacteria if not cured properly. As far as parasites and whatnot, same deal, just gotta make sure they're dead first.

I picked up a few nice-sized pieces today, I'll update this post when I'm confident that they're clean enough for use.
DawgFace;659891 wrote: Any large wall hangers?
I don't know if I got anything wall-worthy. I'll post some pictures tomorrow and let you decide. Can you give me an example of what you're looking for? This won't be my only trip more than likely.
would you need some sort of collectors license to get things out of the river like that?
myVWrock;659911 wrote: would you need some sort of collectors license to get things out of the river like that?

My google-fu says no, but I admit it is weak sometimes. As far as I know, it's fair game as long as you're not at a park or reserve. Also, I collect off an island that's on my parents' property, so it's not technically</em> the river.
I gotcha, and i guess there is nothing living in the wood. Not like a shell