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i kept a powder blue in a qt tank for 8 days it was covered in ick.i treated it in rid ick . there are no visible signs of ick on his body or fins.i am confused on how long he should stay in there. some lfs say i week some say 2 weeks other websites say 1 month.the directions say 3days longer when no signs of ick are present on the fish. there even seems to be some confusion on the life cycle on ick between websites and fish stores they very significantly on the length of time. any ideas thanks
The lifecycle of cryptocaryon irritans </em>can depend on the temperature of the water but generally from what I have read 14 days is its standard lifecycle. I usually run a treatment for 15 days just because all of your treatments are only going to kill off the infectious stage free-swimming stage. When the parasite is in the fish it is protected from its surroundings. Also bumping the quality of food and using garlic additivesd is a good idea to boost your fish's immune system more naturally.
I normally wait 30 days in QT... as Fishy said, 14 days will kill one stage but if you KNOW the fish had ich, you need to treat for 4-5 weeks and if after that time you have not seen any new spots for a week or two, you should be safe! Congrats on QTing though!