Is this possible? Must be...


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I just installed one of the ATO systems. I noticed that the water level in my tank is <u>above </u>the over flow <u>teeth </u>-- how could that happen?

I thought the water level in the tank would never get above the teeth -- only the sump level would rise.

Sorry to post so many questions -- that to others may seem obvious -- I'm learning every single day. As an example -- I'm no longer concerned when my anemone decides to deflate -- now, I know it's gone to the toilet:lol2:

Sounds like the flow coming from the tank is more than the drain line to the sump can handle, so it is backing up in the tank.
Don't ever worry about asking too many questions that is what the forums are for and if someone else ever has the question they can find it here.
Either the drains are insufficient for the return pump


you have some algae buildup which is causing the water to go over rather than through.
Your comment makes sense except this "fill up" situation just started. The tank has been running for about 4 weeks now and has always been about midway of the overflow teeth.

Thanks for making me feel a bit better about all my odd-ball questions. I'm sure I'm about to wear out everyone here -- all I've been able to do is <u>ask</u> questions -- haven't been able to offer the first bit of advice to anyone. I guess that will come in time.:)

that's what it's about! Asking is better than assuming!

I would clean out the teeth and see from there. Adding water to your tank would just fill the sump, not the display.
Skriz;167401 wrote: that's what it's about! Asking is better than assuming!

I would clean out the teeth and see from there. Adding water to your tank would just fill the sump, not the display.
+1 on cleaning the teeth and also check around the drain and make sure nothing is clogging it up like algea or even a snail.
As a precaution, I decided to siphone some of the tank water out -- I was going to bed and didn't want to wake to a flood.

Everything seems normal now -- but I'll keep a close eye on it.

I appreciate all the comments.

An air bubble in your drain line can cause the tank to be over filled. Especially since it has just started occuring.
Post a picture of your overflow. Also how big's the drain bulkhead and plumbing, how tall is your stand and what kind of return pump are you using?
I've tried 3 times to upload a photo -- the system just hangs.

I took some water out of the tank and everything seems stable -- I think I messed something up when I installed the ATO system.