Is this possible?


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Okay, here is the situation. I put together my tank a week ago. I used some partially cured tonga and some well cured/aged marshall live rock. I only saw a little ammonia spike and now my ammonia and nitrite are 0 and my nitrate is at around 10 ppm. I have hair algae growing on some of the rock and brown algae(?) on the top of the sand bed. Could the tank really be cycled already? Also, I am planning on adding the CUC in about another week. How long should I wait to add corals and fish? There is definitely some die off still occuring on the tonga rock. I am using a skimmer and I have a refuge but have not added any cheato to it. Anybody got some cheato they could part with?
KRB... I will have some Cheato in about another week or two.. As far as the cycle.. if you KNOW there is still die off on the rocks going on, I would wait for a bit to add fish and corals. Your CUC might me ok but remember, they are mostly inverts and sensitive just like fish.. No one can tell you if the cycle is done, it depends on alot of factors (how much cured LR vs. How much uncured, How the bacteria colony was on the cured LR, How much die off is going to happen in the near future. I would wait another week and see what your levels are. Rusing into it might be ok, but it could turn out qrong, better to be safe then sorry! ;)
yeah I was planning on taking things slow. I don't have any plans to add any fish for quite some time but would like to add some corals ASAP.