Is this pump appropiated? MRC reactors and UV


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<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;"></span> I'm having my toughts about using this pump for running my filtration.

This reactors and uv will have their dedicated pump, their going to be connected in the sump, taking water from it and dumping it in another section of the sump, It's going to consist of 3 MRC fluidized reactor 622, each of them with valves to consistently regulate the flow on each one, after last reactor water will run trough a UV light, this uv will have It's own valve and a "Tom flow meter" for monitoring, then water will be returned to sump

I'm thinking to use an Iwaki 40RLT that is pressure rated for running the reactors and UV... Is it the wrong pump? It has to be a flow rated pump for this purpose?
I'm I risking the integrity of the reactors since they need flow and not pressure?

What pump could be enough for the same porpoise? Having in mind that I need the media within the reactors to be tumbling and "fluidizing" assuming thats the main goal

On the last stage of this will be located the UV light, I can't plug it and tested now to check flow, so I could say there's enough flow through the UV light depending on my needs (green water or illness treatment)... My concern comes when I think if should I connect this inline with the reactors or separate to properly check/maintain/monitor the flow and conveniently adjusted in the UV.... I really don't want to add another pump to the system, instead, again a dedicated one for the reactors and uv and another one for the return itself.

Any ideas? Thoughts on a different route to run this? What could be best or better pump, if a pressure one is not need it.

Help is really appreciated!
This will explain little more, I'm not using that sump but the configuration would be about the same
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Status: quo
Off hand, no that is not nearly enough pump. I imagine your plans are to run carbon, GFO and biopellets in the reactors correct? What size system, DT and overall?

Last, running the uv on that configuration is fine but either position it level on the wall or have the water enter from the. Orton and exit standing up. This allows for longer and better contact time.....
Considering the UV, I'm not sure what brand that is so I'm not 100% sure my advice there is correct. I've taken most apart and of all them I've seen this would apply but don't let me override manufacturer suggestions.
Oh and if you have not glued that together, drop the gate values on the returns in the situations where you have gates on the front. Just throwing money out the door there.
Thanks Jesse! Yeah, I was thinking about that pump not being enough, and as you said that probably be my route in the media, might not biopellets, may be matrix... will see...

On the display, there's going to be a 120 then a sump for containing the skimmer, after that the 36" MRC sump, that's pretty much all cointaning water, all that plus the reactors could just be around 200 gallons give or take.

The UV light is a Laguna brand, 40watts, please don't tell me that won't be enough, hehe, but be sincere LOL!
You are right about the position of the UV, I had it setup that way because I hadn't the space enough to be able to do that, I believe I will located right at this time, horizontally, if I'm not mistaken.

On the plumbing, I did pretty much everything threaded, I did it that way to be able to remove anything if need be, front row It's going to be to regulate the flow coming through the reactors, back row with valves to be able to disconnect a single reactor for cleaning purposes and let the system running with the remaining reactors, but I will take your opinion and think about it :D

Thanks Jesse!!!!

Any more opinions?????
Laguna you there? I know you run reactors hehehe!
Place unions on the back versus gate valves if you have the luxury of returning. Really doesn't make much of a difference outside of a few bucks.... Actually, a lot of bucks, those look like spears valves.

40 watt uv is theoretically enough granted the flow is slow, probably around 200-300gph.
joseayes;951818 wrote: Thanks Jesse! Yeah, I was thinking about that pump not being enough, and as you said that probably be my route in the media, might not biopellets, may be matrix... will see...

On the display, there's going to be a 120 then a sump for containing the skimmer, after that the 36" MRC sump, that's pretty much all cointaning water, all that plus the reactors could just be around 200 gallons give or take.

The UV light is a Laguna brand, 40watts, please don't tell me that won't be enough, hehe, but be sincere LOL!
You are right about the position of the UV, I had it setup that way because I hadn't the space enough to be able to do that, I believe I will located right at this time, horizontally, if I'm not mistaken.

On the plumbing, I did pretty much everything threaded, I did it that way to be able to remove anything if need be, front row It's going to be to regulate the flow coming through the reactors, back row with valves to be able to disconnect a single reactor for cleaning purposes and let the system running with the remaining reactors, but I will take your opinion and think about it :D

Thanks Jesse!!!!

Any more opinions?????
Laguna you there? I know you run reactors hehehe!

My opinion on the pump comes from running almost the identical reactor setup on my 450. I had (2) 622 MRC fluidized reactors and the largest Reef Octopus bio pellet reactor all running barely on a Reeflo Snapper. I could barely keep the pellets tumbling. I however was forced to run a ton more media than you'll have to.
Personally I think you'll come to find you have far to large of reactors for that system than anything else. Running gfo you'll barely have any in the bottom of the reactor which will create a problem dialing in a decent flow rate that doesn't destroy the particles.
Yes, you right again. The media need it for this size tank it doesn't have to be in large quantity, tumbling it will be hard, next thing you'll see in S&T forum might be those bad boys, tumbling it to the point of making gfo dust will be a headache.
I remember that huge tank with hugenormous metal halides, I had the chance to watch it personally the time I was buying something from you.

Thanks again Jesse, I will consider another route, I always tought I could easily upgrade my tank and use the same equipment, apparently, I had to make this one work properly.

Oh, those valves aren't spears, It's amazing what you can get on Grainger, however spears is top notch
Status: quo
I wouldn't sell them just yet you may be able to make them work. Heck I don't know, pm Raj or Jeremy.
Yes, they both know me well, I'm surprised they haven't give their opinion yet LOL! Bussy guys, same as you!!!

Thanks Jesse!