it all died


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i had a beautiful tank filled up with coral of all sorts but in one week i have loss it all the salt is great and i have been feeding it to so why did it die the fish in the tank are fine so what is wroung
GH is 180
KH is 240
ph is around 7.5 and 8.0
No2 is 0
no3 is200
the tank size is 30 gallons
salt level is 1.026
over 30 years old the onwer that had it before had it for a long time and all of the snails died and i feed about two small pinces
ummmm.... well the ph is low the no3 is often do you feed pinches....and how often do you do water changes?
Do test kits test NO3 that high?

None of ours do - (API and IO definitely only go to 100 mg/L - Seachem is upstairs)
Did you leave town and turn your air off? Just happened to a buddy of mine
I have never seen NO3 that high. I do not use strips but do use IO, Tetra, API, Salifert, Red Sea and Seachem test kits. (yeh I have them all) Red sea does have a high range NO3 test procedure that I've never used. What is your NH3/NH4 (amonia). I have never seen NO3 going up high once a tank cycles unless amonia and nitrite goes up and even during initial cycling my tanks have never gone over 100 ppm and then only for a DAY OR TWO. I've done this stuff for over 35 yrs (on and off). Your bio filter has something major wrong. Fish can tolerate hi NO3 but inverts and corals can't. That'sa why your corals bit it and the fish are still surviving. The only way to decrease NO3 quickly is by a water change. I'd do a 50% change and check your numbers again. At least you do have a way to test wich is a good thing. Hope this helps a little not sure why it went out of wack.
One thing I forgot you may want to check phosphates, I had a phosphate problem a while back and my corals looked bad. Used phosban and squashed that problem.