It comes in three's


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I've always heard bad things come in three's and I experienced that over the last week and a half with my tank.

1) One night on the weekend of the 5th my wife and I were watching tv when I heard my overflow gurgling pretty bad. I knew something was clogged since I have a herbie overflow and it was the emergency drain making full siphon. I couldn't figure out for the life of me what was happening. I ended up pulling the dialed back siphon tube to drain the overflow into my sump. I ended up finding my melanurus wrasse in the sump in very bad shape, his tail was the worst part. I got everything put back and stuck the wrasse in QT. The next 2 days I thought he was just gonna die but he started moving around a bit and looking better. His tail did end up falling off later in the week and by this past weekend he past away. Next to my female clown, he's the oldest fish I had in my tank.

2) At some point during the week while my wrasse was in QT, I noticed my aptasia eating file fish was missing. Granted he blends in pretty well I can usually spot him when the lights are going down cruising the rock work. Saturday morning I went to do some cleaning and low and behold he was dead in the sump. It looked as though it had been there a few days. So I'm not sure if the wrasse or file fish got clogged in the pipe and who was the unfortunate causality of the whole thing. I feel horrible since at least one death could have been prevented.

3) Sunday I was doing my ATO filling and got my switches and pumps turned back on then we headed to Kennesaw Mountain for some hiking with friends then dinner afterwards. When we got home I heard the ATO pump running dry and though I just turned it "ON" on my Apex instead of "Auto" dumping all 5gallons into the sump. Nope, I forgot to put the return water hose in the sump and dumped 5gallons of water in the bottom of the stand and on the hardwood floors. By that point the floor wasn't even wet, it just soaked up all that water. I put a shop fan on it to help dry it out but I doubt it did anything.

So now I'm down two fish and my hardwood floors in that room are looking real bad. Weeks like this make me really reconsider keeping tanks any more...
Man. Sorry to here this.Its bad when one bad thing happens. I hope you can get through this rough spot. Hope things get better.
Oh man that's rough. Don't feel bad Sean we all make mistakes. We wouldn't be in this hobby if it was easy.
I agree.. I just drained my 90g.. Luckily no casualties as of yet... but my ceiling in my kitchen is showing the water from the tank above :(

Push through it. We'll get back.
Sorry sean. I got marine velvet in my big tank by not QTing a 6 dollar fish.

That $6 killed in the tank.

Purple tang, yellow tang, Achilles, orange shoulder, copperband,2 flames, every damsel and wrasse...all my anthias, EVERYTHING.

The $6 fish survived.

I pulled the plug. Was way way way to heartbroken....

buuuut....I'm back.

Lesson learned!

Hang in there bud.

Talk about heart broken.
Oh man....

Murphy's Law has been having a field day here :(

I'm sorry for everyone's woes. I've felt that pain...

"So take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again"--Frank Sinatra

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Hey Sean wait! Hopefully all is doing better now! Don't get out! Much more to learn and challenging! AEFW, Cyano, different types of algae, multiple fish decease and illness, aiptasya, red bugs, zoas eating nudi's, swing parameters starting with Ph, Alk and Ca, failing equipment.... I can go on, gotta love this hobby Sean!!!