its a fraggin time


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so finally after many efforts my rbta came out of hiding and into catchable sight. it sat on the front side of my tank with its foot buried deep at the bottom of a stack of live rock..with access to only the back side of my tank, it evaded me for months.. today i came home and its the size of an extra large pizza.. im gonna take a blade to it prob this weekend thankx to the fraggin demo at the feb meeting.. wish me luck..

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best of luck!

does anyone know what happened to the ones that were fragged at the meeting?
thankx.. it was fully open when i got home, and it was huge,,,kinda oblongated in the pic when i took it but you get the idea..
good luck man! I need to come by and see that tank of yours before it's too late.
wow... thats alot of pms about wanting the frags.. i havent really thought about that yet, i just wanted to see if i could do it. (to put another star by my list of dare devil feats, right under drilling tanks)..if its succesful and if i dont end up killing the whole piece i'll let everyone know...its just too big right now for the 180 gallon tank im gonna downgrade too..
Man, thats ashame to cut such a beauty! I'd only suggest cutting it if you have a place to put the fresh cut, like a separate holding tank. The cuts very well could roam around your tank looking for a place to heal, and possibly kill some corals while doing so. As long as you cut it across the mouth each time, you shouldn't have any issues.
Jamie, If you need some advice, Shoot me a PM and I will shoot you my number.
I've done this a few times with success. Well, technically my wife did it as I didn't have the heart to slice one of these up. I just put it on a cutting board and she used my hatori hanzo sushi knife and sliced it in half starting at the mouth."></a>

That's what I used for guidance.
my wife would kill me if i tried using HER kitchen knives.. shes vegetarian and wont even go to eat sushi with me...should have seen the fight when i used HER blender to make papone....:unsure:
LOL. Yah I've annexed many a kitchen utensil for the temporary tank usage. Sue's cool with it though so long as I clean them and return them. I did get beat down a few times though when some of the stainless steel items I borrowed developed rust spots :).