Its Gotta Go


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okay i have had it. its time for ALL the tropic marin salt to go. does anyone have any seachem reef salt? evreyhwere i have called has said they will have some thursday but it needs to go NOW
i could go to petsmart and get some salt till then i guess? but would that be safe? if i do the IO now and then sunday do a 30 gal or so change would that shock the whole system?
dawg i should have listened to you a while back when we had this discussion. now ALL my SPS's are suffering from RTN
Not sure where you are located or whether you have tried him or not but you might call Sam at Aquabuys and see if he has what you need.
It's junk! lol, I don't know, just playin....I'm an IO user. It's possible there was a bad batch; happens to every salt manu. Hope all goes well William. William I always go online to petsmart and price match (print out) the IO bucket...something like 34 or something like that. Go in and show them the print out and they will price match.
I have used it for a long time, twice I have wanted to switch but did not know what I wanted to switch too.

I don't blame salt for problems in the tank but I really want to switch myself.

I think that there was a bad batch. I even brought a bucket back and requested a new one. There was no change with the new bucket. It still could be part of the same batch. Who Knows.

It could be nothing to do with the salt. I did lose most of two small colonies a while ago but figured I had some bug/or phosphate remover problem. Not all corals were effected. I also had brunt trips for the first time ever. Since removing the physigued no more burnt tips.I think for me it is just time to try something new.

I hate to buy a salt I have to dose with stuff just so I can change my water. If I used reef crystal or IO without supplementing it my levels would be lowered. That ticks me off.:mad2: I could be wrong here but how much money do you save if you buy a salt then have to buy a calcium supplement and maybe magnesium to bring it up to par. I think of going to try the D&D salt. I thought I read some were that it was same as Red sea but beefed up a little. Anyone else read that or have an opinion on it.

Is not Seachem the one that can give a false DKH because the borate part of the alk is out of wack?

i think i am going to go back to seachem reef salt. i always had good results with them. the only reason i switched because i listened to the salesmen at The Fish Store and More (can i say their name, opps i just did
>) well needless to say i am going back the the salt i researched
Cap bay has used TM salt forever with good results. Bad batches happen with all salts unfortunately. I've had some bad luck with IO before but I still use it.
yea there are always bad batches but i get tired of fighting with the pH and the calcium level is to low for my taste. i have been thinking about switching back anyway and this is conformation that i am going to
I used TMPR for 2 years without any issues except 1, a possibility of excess cyno. This was also referred to by Steven Pro, so I switched to Seachem Reef. They fixed their Borate problems by the way (that was like a year ago or more, I believe).