It's that time of year again


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It's time for me to buy a heater for my 90 gallon. I want a good well built heater. What would you OG's recommend. Thanx
Do most install 2 heaters. Say a 300w vs two 150's. I like the thought on redundancy
I don't use heaters. I use the AC/heater to regulate my home temp which also runs the tank temp. Tank is always 1 degree above the room temp anyways.
MarquiseO;988493 wrote: I don't use heaters. I use the AC/heater to regulate my home temp which also runs the tank temp. Tank is always 1 degree above the room temp anyways.

More info please!
Camellia;988494 wrote: More info please!

I usually keep my home unit during the winter months around 76 degrees and when I had heaters, it never came on. So I stopped buying them. My tank never dropped below room temperature and the pumps in there or the equipment I was using at the time always kept it 1 degree hotter than the ambient temperature. During winter months my tank has the most stable temp.

This may be harder though in larger homes or homes that aren't well insulated unless your tank is near a vent.
I use a aquatop heater. I had to buy it a while ago because my heater broke and it was the only one my LFS had. It's been a good heater all though it was kind of hard to set up.
MarquiseO;988495 wrote: I usually keep my home unit during the winter months around 76 degrees and when I had heaters, it never came on. So I stopped buying them. My tank never dropped below room temperature and the pumps in there or the equipment I was using at the time always kept it 1 degree hotter than the ambient temperature. During winter months my tank has the most stable temp.

This may be harder though in larger homes or homes that aren't well insulated unless your tank is near a vent.

If I did that I would be broke lol. not having a go at you directly as obviously it works for you but we have to wrap up good in winter as my house is terrible for efficiency and 71 is where we keep it.

Having said that, jager times 2 is what I run.
fishtank;988516 wrote: If I did that I would be broke lol. not having a go at you directly as obviously it works for you but we have to wrap up good in winter as my house is terrible for efficiency and 71 is where we keep it.

Having said that, jager times 2 is what I run.

That's why I went back and added the bottom part to my original message.
all good. just like I said not having a go at you. A mate of mine lives in a 2 bed shack all by himself and has summer power bills of $150. I got two kids and 3 stories and a $500 power bill :( I almost need a chiller but not quiet.
Eheim Jager or Cobalt Neo. The former has been the industry leader, forever. The latter is a newer kid on the block but I've been impressed with the accuracy and they are unbreakable.

2 heaters are better than one. If one fails (and ALL heaters fail sooner or later), having 2 reduces the risk of tank getting too cool OR too warm (as a single, smaller heater is unlikely to cook a tank.)

Thanx guys. About the above comments, I can't believe you guys keep your houses that warm in winter!! 68 for me I love cool wheather !!!!!!!
JennM;988535 wrote: Cobalt Neo.
I love these, simple, accurate, and unbreakable. There are two sponsors I know of selling them for less than online too.
Mikesmith34;988549 wrote: Thanx guys. About the above comments, I can't believe you guys keep your houses that warm in winter!! 68 for me I love cool wheather !!!!!!!

same here Mike,i wouldnt be able to sleep in my house if it was that warm!i keep mine 70 year round and 68 at night
I can't afford to keep my house warmer than 68 in winter, or cooler than 78 in summer.
Ranco controller with any titanium heater...

A little birdie tells me they're all pressed out of the same factory anyways...
I've seen WAY too many failures with those :::insert brand name here::: Titanium heaters. I suspect too, that they are all out of the same Chinese factory. Won Brothers, Finnex, blah blah... they all are junk, IMO.

Ranco controllers are good, but the heaters are crap.
