Ive got all these fish, now what?


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I have like 8 South American cichlids. They are all going to get pretty big, how do I know what size tank I need for them all full grown??
I have a
Tiger Oscar
Blood Parot
Chocolate cichlid
Red Terror
Platinum convict
Salvini cichlid
Sajica cichlid
A Pictus catfish
210.... However, in my days if the fish business, people usually have that load in any where from a 10-55 gallon... Not a great choice.

Edit: Or, once the red terror hits sexual maturity, you won't have to worry about the rest. :). He may let the catfish live.
Scoot that blood parrot out first.....it's a cool fish, but he's not going to be able to compete with those other guys
ima gona write you a book here so, so bare with me...:aww:
wow , that is quite the top shelf list of sa cichlids.
Cichlids are somewhat of a passion 4 me , i mainly keep africans now but still have a few sa dwarf breeds .
The fire mouth and the tiger oscar should really probably both be in a species only tank as both will reack 12" the oscar possibly 14-16 in optimum conditions.
the red terror is a true testosterone fish (will kill most any tank mates) these guys can be crampet wile sexually imature but at 3-6 mo depending on the fish , he will change so its best to keep him always seperate. the oscar on the other hand isnt so much agressive as he is observent and understanding of his invironment , it will take about a month and he will have every person and pet and everything going on in the house , they learn quick and love live fish , i feed mine feeders minnos and sometimes fancy guppies when my lfs sells them as feeders. oscars naturally eat anything it can fit in its mouth. i had mine with a 3.5" chinees algae eater for 4 months and one day it was just goen after a feeding (guess he got excited, iv seen my africans do this as well in a frenzy)its not so much aggression just nature , but the redterror will kill just to kill not eat, but dont fear it just do rite by the fish if you cant care for it properly. both these fish require at adolescent size a min 55G and thats each and only for a few months. i prefer not to move fish a whole lot once there in they are in (given special circumstance )so full grown 90+ for r terror and 120G for the oscar , i realize that sounds crazy big for a single fish , but these fish are really big not only 12+ " long but they grow round like a plate so its almost that big tall as well .
here is a pic of my jabberwakey when he was only 2 months old at almost 4" eating minnows
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they are a lot to take on as a pet a friend for the next decade of your life so if you keep these fish think about that as well.

Now on to some of the others:eek: (told ya it would be a book)
the red parrot is a cool fish there cute but because of its beak shaped mouth can not produce lower jaw strenth for mouth wrestling as most cichlids and will try to stand his ground but is best suited with more docile fish like you t-bar , sajica , they get big but are a great community fish (just make sure there the only one per tank.
also the convicts although possibly small now are tuff as nails and are usually will be a dominant tank fish , very non fussy type and may nip and chace but hay these are cichlids rite ? they also are possibly one of the easiest cichlids to breed this fish imo could safely be kept with the parrot , the fire mouths , and the t-bar .
IMO the tri color or salvini cichlid needs a bit more space to reach its max potential and color up good, like a pair could live in a 30G with no other fish presence but thats really cramped. i would possibly try one with some other sa cichlids but only if it was a big tank with low stock (i love these fish and i would try it if it was me :yes:)
the chocolate i have never kept but know a little there cool , and get as large as the red terror , 12" but these guys are also suitable for community tanks so long as there is only one per tank.
all these fish are at the top of the food chain as far as fw aquarium fish go they will eat dead dieing and small fish , if they pair up and breed in a community tank they can and will most likely kill other tank mates , all these fish come from different areas of sa but have semi overlapping ph so a neutral ph of 7 will suit them all best, the oscar in a species only will benefit form a 7.5.
all these fish should be kept from 76-81 F they could go a few in either direction but 78-79 is where i keep my tanks , sa cichlish would benafit from a small-medium stone /gravel substrate with plants and stone caves (lots of caves for sleeping /breeding / territory's etc some of these guys are diggers and eaters of live plants , i like live plants but cant keep anything live in a few tanks.
but fake or real they will all benefit from folage (makes em feel like home) with live try big hardy slow growers, anubus , amazon swords , jungle vail ETC...

one trick to try on them some times is re arrange there caves and driftwood ets every 2-3 weeks , makes them think there in a new pond , they will re establish a new pecking order, usually similar to the last but this just helps sometimes if there a little bulliesh to calm and confuse them.

you really do have quite a plethora of fish there and they will need to be split up eventually (eventually being in the very near future )

the pictus will be great with any of those fish , nothing really messes with cats
i saw on your profile you work at premier aquatics , there are a whole slew of ppl ther with fw knowledge , and you could im sure trade a few of those guys in on something else .
ill be up there in a few weeks myself trying to unload some Red 2 spot jewels (got 100-150 atm:confused2:)

I wish you the best of luck in this new endeavor of yours and if you have any other questions regarding most anything fw just ask
Take care -T

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was my guy on the day i took him to the pet shop to re home him , the little oscar beside him was about the size he was in the first pic , he was almost 10" and i needed the tank for other things , its hard having so little in so much fishwise which is why i prefer africans now , cramping them purposely keeps aggression down

Edit: ima gona write you a book here so, so bare with me...:aww:
wow , that is quite the top shelf list of sa cichlids.
Cichlids are somewhat of a passion 4 me , i mainly keep africans now but still have a few sa dwarf breeds .
The fire mouth and the tiger oscar should really probably both be in a species only tank as both will reack 12" the oscar possibly 14-16 in optimum conditions.
the red terror is a true testosterone fish (will kill most any tank mates) these guys can be crampet wile sexually imature but at 3-6 mo depending on the fish , he will change so its best to keep him always seperate. the oscar on the other hand isnt so much agressive as he is observent and understanding of his invironment , it will take about a month and he will have every person and pet and everything going on in the house , they learn quick and love live fish , i feed mine feeders minnos and sometimes fancy guppies when my lfs sells them as feeders. oscars naturally eat anything it can fit in its mouth. i had mine with a 3.5" chinees algae eater for 4 months and one day it was just goen after a feeding (guess he got excited, iv seen my africans do this as well in a frenzy)its not so much aggression just nature , but the redterror will kill just to kill not eat, but dont fear it just do rite by the fish if you cant care for it properly. both these fish require at adolescent size a min 55G and thats each and only for a few months. i prefer not to move fish a whole lot once there in they are in (given special circumstance )so full grown 90+ for r terror and 120G for the oscar , i realize that sounds crazy big for a single fish , but these fish are really big not only 12+ " long but they grow round like a plate so its almost that big tall as well .
here is a pic of my jabberwakey when he was only 2 months old at almost 4" eating minnows
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they are a lot to take on as a pet a friend for the next decade of your life so if you keep these fish think about that as well.

Now on to some of the others:eek: (told ya it would be a book)
the red parrot is a cool fish there cute but because of its beak shaped mouth can not produce lower jaw strenth for mouth wrestling as most cichlids and will try to stand his ground but is best suited with more docile fish like you t-bar , sajica , they get big but are a great community fish (just make sure there the only one per tank.
also the convicts although possibly small now are tuff as nails and are usually will be a dominant tank fish , very non fussy type and may nip and chace but hay these are cichlids rite ? they also are possibly one of the easiest cichlids to breed this fish imo could safely be kept with the parrot , the fire mouths , and the t-bar .
IMO the tri color or salvini cichlid needs a bit more space to reach its max potential and color up good, like a pair could live in a 30G with no other fish presence but thats really cramped. i would possibly try one with some other sa cichlids but only if it was a big tank with low stock (i love these fish and i would try it if it was me :yes:)
the chocolate i have never kept but know a little there cool , and get as large as the red terror , 12" but these guys are also suitable for community tanks so long as there is only one per tank.
all these fish are at the top of the food chain as far as fw aquarium fish go they will eat dead dieing and small fish , if they pair up and breed in a community tank they can and will most likely kill other tank mates , all these fish come from different areas of sa but have semi overlapping ph so a neutral ph of 7 will suit them all best, the oscar in a species only will benefit form a 7.5.
all these fish should be kept from 76-81 F they could go a few in either direction but 78-79 is where i keep my tanks , sa cichlish would benafit from a small-medium stone /gravel substrate with plants and stone caves (lots of caves for sleeping /breeding / territory's etc some of these guys are diggers and eaters of live plants , i like live plants but cant keep anything live in a few tanks.
but fake or real they will all benefit from folage (makes em feel like home) with live try big hardy slow growers, anubus , amazon swords , jungle vail ETC...

one trick to try on them some times is re arrange there caves and driftwood ets every 2-3 weeks , makes them think there in a new pond , they will re establish a new pecking order, usually similar to the last but this just helps sometimes if there a little bulliesh to calm and confuse them.

you really do have quite a plethora of fish there and they will need to be split up eventually (eventually being in the very near future )

the pictus will be great with any of those fish , nothing really messes with cats
i saw on your profile you work at premier aquatics , there are a whole slew of ppl ther with fw knowledge , and you could im sure trade a few of those guys in on something else .
ill be up there in a few weeks myself trying to unload some Red 2 spot jewels (got 100-150 atm:confused2:)

I wish you the best of luck in this new endeavor of yours and if you have any other questions regarding most anything fw just ask
Take care -T
Curtismaximus;873734 said:
You definitely win the longest post of the month award![/QUOT
I had a whole lot more to say but that was best put the way I did.
It gave me anxiety just reading that some of those fish were together no doubt there all small yet but baby cuteness only last so long .
Would you keep Centropyge acanthops , or something smaller such as Chromis viridis with an apex predator unless you planned on it killing them , why should cichlids be different?