Jackson's rainbow tenuis


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Jut noticed one of my all time favorites go up for sale on eBay.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/261815194619?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT">Jackson 039 s Rainbow Tenuis Acropora Purple Monster Oregon Tort Reef Raft Acro | eBay</a>

Here's the thread that documents his progression on it over the last year:

I'm seriously considering it. If anyone wants to go in with me, I will grow it out and give them a frag when I can
Declanisadog;1021995 wrote: Didn't see that coming....

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Lol honestly haven't even been in the mix with all this house stuff going on and trying to move. Buddy of mine texted me today to say he got one coming and if I did also. He's to thank for breaking my stick buying hiatus. I just piggy backed on his order. I'm a tenuis sucker!
tonymission;1021997 wrote: Lol honestly haven't even been in the mix with all this house stuff going on and trying to move. Buddy of mine texted me today to say he got one coming and if I did also. He's to thank for breaking my stick buying hiatus. I just piggy backed on his order. I'm a tenuis sucker!

Hey man, I work for frags if you need help moving....;)

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"Lol honestly haven't even been in the mix with all this house stuff going on and trying to move. Buddy of mine texted me today to say he got one coming and if I did also. He's to thank for breaking my stick buying hiatus. I just piggy backed on his order. I'm a tenuis sucker!"

That would be me. . . .
Two frags coming to Atlanta!:yay:
Here's a pic of actual frag. Not fresh cut, I like it!

gregoryleonard;1022013 wrote: Here's a pic of actual frag. Not fresh cut, I like it!

http://atlantareefclub.org/boards/data/uploads/attachments/1022013=60245-105.jpeg">[IMG]http://atlantareefclub.org/boards/data/uploads/attachments/1022013=60245-105.jpeg" class="gc-images" title="105.jpeg" style="max-width:400px" /></a> [/QUOTE]

Of course Greg got one too. The more in the area the better. If I wasn't trying to set up a new tank up right now, I would already have gotten one

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gregoryleonard;1022006 wrote: "Lol honestly haven't even been in the mix with all this house stuff going on and trying to move. Buddy of mine texted me today to say he got one coming and if I did also. He's to thank for breaking my stick buying hiatus. I just piggy backed on his order. I'm a tenuis sucker!"

That would be me. . . .
Two frags coming to Atlanta!:yay:

Haha Ya didn't know if I should throw ya out there ;) thanks man!
Digging up an old thread, anyone still have this piece? Willing to buy or trade for one.

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atlfishes;1117312 wrote: Digging up an old thread, anyone still have this piece? Willing to buy or trade for one.

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PM the guy on R2R, he told me not all to long ago when he was going to be selling more on eBay.