Jawfish ?


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Hey all!! I have a quick question-

The Pearly Jawfish that's been in the tank for almost 2 weeks is acting weird this morning. He has been eating.. but only Brine.. Not flakes or pellets. So anyway, I'm sitting here watching him and he's swimming all around the top and sides of the tank, even flipping around at the top.. I'm scared that he's gonna come out the back where the canopy is open.

Is there a reason that causes this craziness? He's coming so close to getting wrapped up in the BTA when he dives to the back corner..

Any advice?
I would shut off the lights to settle him down. It's hard to tell without seeing the actual behavior but does it look like he's in "exploration mode"? Jawfish are known to want to explore every inch of their environments on a regular basis so that could be it.

While he's acting like this i would definitely seal any holes. When I say they explore every inch... they really do and will find that one hole you forget about.
Thanks, I covered the back of the canopy, but didn't turn the lights off.. Doing that now.

He's not really acting like he's exploring as much as "spazzing out" :)

Could he have been stung by a bristleworm down in his burrow?
Usually, when the look towards the top of the tank, they are stressed (not "exploring"). How deep is the SB?
Kinda looked like he was on crack :)

SB is about 4-6 inches deep. The spot he's dug out is closer to 6. Today, he's been floating around just above the sandbed.. Back and forth across the front of the tank.
Mine did this when he got kicked out of his hole. Do you have any brittle stars or serpant stars or other gobies that could have done this? I would say he's definately stressed about something though.