Jikkers' Stonefish adventures

Don't want to read about you in the news, other than the articles you write... ☠️⚰️💀⚱️
Wish me luck 💀
Thankfully, stonefish are not easy to be stung by. Their venom glands require a large amount of pressure to activate, so I would have to grab it and squeeze quite hard to be envenomated.
Wish me luck 💀
Thankfully, stonefish are not easy to be stung by. Their venom glands require a large amount of pressure to activate, so I would have to grab it and squeeze quite hard to be envenomated.
You could try and walk barefoot on it in your tank, that would also do the trick 😉
it's a bit like a 4 guage hypodermic needle- the kind that you use on bears. But it *does* need significant pressure.
From Wiki...
"The reef stonefish is the most venomous fish in the world.[8] Its dorsal area is lined with 13 spines, each of which has two venom sacs.[8] The spines are sharp and stiff and have been known to pierce boot soles.[14] Stonefish venom can be fatal at a dose of only 18 mg, which the fish is capable of releasing with only six of its thirteen spines. The protein makeup differs between the three species of stonefish, but in reef stonefish the fatal protein is the verrucotoxin protein"

Are you going to put it in it's own tank?
Oh absolutely, yes. I have a whole tank set aside just for it. There's currently a stone crab in that tank, but he will be moving to the sump until I have space to set him up in his own display.
What's the feeding plan?

I'd love to see the thing strike live prey. But you'd probably need a high speed camera to catch it. Hey, get Slo Mo Guys to come over 🤣
You don’t. I kept a sargassum frog fish for ~ a year while I was living on Kauai. Slowmo on an old iPhone 12 was able to capture it make things disappear. Really cool to see it use its lure and lure something in. I need to figure out how to get access to my cloud and get the old video I have of it.
What's the feeding plan?

I'd love to see the thing strike live prey. But you'd probably need a high speed camera to catch it. Hey, get Slo Mo Guys to come over 🤣
I plan to start it on live mollies and eventually wean it on to frozen squid, mussels, and octopus. My eel and frogfishes eat the same things, but they eat so infrequently that I usually have an excess that gets freezer burnt and thrown out. This guy (assuming it gets trained onto frozen) should eat *just* enough to get rid of my waste.
Now that I've got such a wide collection of predator fish, I've genuinely considered emailing Destin at Smarter Every Day to see if he'd want to do a vid. Maybe once I get back into dwarf frogs and have a more diverse collection...
Ooof, you're a braver person than I. Personally, I have a rule of nothing in my fish tank that will send me to the hospital... the closest I'll get to crossing that line would be a carpet anemone.

It wouldn't hurt, however, to ask your local hospital to have the anti-venom on hand just in case heat therapy fails. It would seem to be rather rare.

Oh, and as for dwarf frogs... my wife and I are discussing putting one her the snail-breeding tank for her pea puffers, actually. And Destin is the best :D
Ooof, you're a braver person than I. Personally, I have a rule of nothing in my fish tank that will send me to the hospital... the closest I'll get to crossing that line would be a carpet anemone.

It wouldn't hurt, however, to ask your local hospital to have the anti-venom on hand just in case heat therapy fails. It would seem to be rather rare.

Oh, and as for dwarf frogs... my wife and I are discussing putting one her the snail-breeding tank for her pea puffers, actually. And Destin is the best :D
Dwarf frogs meaning dwarf frogfish haha. I used to keep them years back, they're hard to find though. They're fun because many of them are crustacean specialists, so you can actually keep them long-term on frozen krill and ghost shrimp!
The greatest part of the stonefish is that you have to take 6 whole spines worth of venom to be at risk of death, so I should be safe unless I grip it like a burger on a speedboat ride.