July BoD Meeting 2019


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
East Cobb
Bod Meeting @ The Mad Italian Restaurant

7/21/2019 11:00AM

Attendees (in-person) – Austin, Adam, Doug, Nathan, Justin, Steve, Bobby & Dave

11:00 – Austin opened a dial in bridge via his cell.

*Web site support -With Leo stepping down from providing IT support, the Bod discussed options to provide IT support moving forward.

-Current cost to the club to run the website include hosting fees, License fee, and various addons (i.e. media gallery…) combine for about $1200.00 annually.

  • After some discussion it was decided that we should get some quotes for outside IT support, consensus was this might be $3-$4K annually.
*Club Budget – we need a clear understanding of what the limits are for the club earnings to maintain it’s club exempt tax status.

  • Adam will reach out tot Raj to get this.
-Based on what we find it’s very likely the club will have some excess budget that we will need to spend on the club. Below are some possible options…

  • Increase the monthly meeting budget
  • Member giveaways
  • Memberships to non-club activities
  • Club outings, braves game, top golf…
-BoD meeting expense

  • Consensus was to target this at $20-$25/head present at the meeting.

*BoD structure – Austin brought up reviewing the current voting structure of the BoD.

-Current structure is 4 – Elected Officers

4 – Trustees

*All 8 have voting privileges on club matters with the President having 1.5 votes as a tiebreaker.

-Current status is 4 – Elected Officers

4 – Trustees (one of which has no longer been active on the site)

  • Austin suggested that we remove the inactive individual and replace the position with Justin Cook.

*BoD code of conduct -Moderation, Banning & discouragement of members

-Discouragement, after a discussion it was agreed that the “discouragement” feature/action serves no beneficial purpose.

Austin moved to disable/turn off the discouragement feature on the club web site.

Adam seconded the motion.

Adam, Austin, Doug & Dave voted in favor – motion passed

-Banning of members – all banning of members should begin with the club moderators

  • Temp ban, up to moderator discretion, Mod must record the event in the moderator forum and contact the offender of the reason why/what rule was violated.
  • Perm ban, begins with the Mods, Mods to bring to he BoD and the BoD must vote on the action. This must also be documented in the moderator form and notice mad to the offender.
*Auction changes – After a discussion of the suggested changes in the Auction change thread, the following two changes were recommended.

  • Have a 2 hour window (8:00PM to 10:00PM) for auctions to end. The exact time would be up to the person posting the auction.
  • Change the day that auctions end on to Thursdays.
Austin motioned to vote on making the 2 changes to the club auctions.

Adam seconded the motion

Austin, Adam & Doug voted in favor of making the changes, Dave abstained from the vote

Motion passed – to be made effective for the first Thursday in August, August 1st (the auction end date).

12:20 – Austin dropped the bridge, no activity

*Club PA/Sound system – Bobby brought up the subject of replacing the clubs sound system.

-We need to post a poll in the BoD forum to move forward with this.

*Nathan suggested that we set up a sticky thread in the BoD forum to capture anything the new site is missing.

  • First item to be posted about is the Moderator rules.
*Austin to post a thread in the BoD forum to start looking at the club’s 5 year plan, where is the club going…

*Expo 2020 – We need to start planning NOW!

  • Justin volunteered to lead the 2020 Expo committee
  • Looking at dates between the RAP’s, most likely mid May
  • Once we have the date we need to start advertising a date placeholder ASAP.
  • Justin to start a thread
  • Need to select a venue
  • Figure out how to brig in food, what options are there.
  • Vendor food – lunch
  • Can we get a stage for the guest speaker and announcements, raffles…
  • Booth selection to be made as registrations and payments are received, first in = first to select (we should use the sale floor plan as last year if we keep the same venue).
  • Vendors select 1st, Members only after the vendors (should have a vendor end date for this).
*Club PAR meter – Should we get one?

  • Dave to start a thread in the Bod forum to discuss pros & cons