Just an update


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Sorry I havent been on here in awhile.
As some of yall know I am pregnant with a little girl.
Well Last Monday I had a Doctors appointment because I was having really bad pains in my right side.
Well they sent me over to Labor and Delivery, Ran some test, and come to find out I had Gall stones and slush in my Gall bladder.
Well Tuesday I had to go see a Surgeon, And He schedlued my surgery for this past Friday.
So besides the aweful pain I am in, Me and the baby are doing just fine.

But anyways. I wanted to set up a Nano tank in my daughters room, Well Now I have tons of Hospital Bills to pay.
So I am going to do A fish only tank.

So my question to yall is will this be ok in there with saltwater Fish?

I want something that looks as real as I can possible get it, And the price isnt that bad either.

Also It says it is 22' long. Will that fit into a 12 gallon?

thanks alot.
Glad to hear everything will be OK with the baby. I doubt that will fit in a 12 gallon, unfortunately. You might want to look at a 20 gallon long tank.
Yeah I was scared it wouldnt. But I am sure they would have smaller pieces at the store. I would go with a 20 gallon but I dont have the money for the lights.
The tank I have now, comes with everything.
And its just sitting there waiting for me to fill it up.

But Plastic ornaments will not hurt the saltwater fish. ?
Has anyone ever heard of them Operating on a pregnant woman?
Sorry I know I am not on subject, But I am still in shock of it.

( And I dont even think that the Anethesia ( sp) put the baby to sleep, Because as soon As I woke up, they were monitering her, and she was moving all over the place )
Glad both of you are doing better. I had some of that plastic stuff in a fish only salt tank for a while and the fish were fine. You will eventually loose the algae battle with it though. That stuff is a real pain to keep clean.
OHH yes I was scared.
I didnt even want to do it.
But they said it would rupture with in weeks.
So I had to. But she is still moving around a lot.

But thanks, yeh I hate algea. But right now thats all I can afford.