Just ventured into fragging. Is Lugol's the best post frag treatment?


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Augusta, GA
I just did my very first fragging yesterday. I did a good bit of online research on fragging zoas and I think the process went well. I am going to get some scalpels for the next time to make it easier. This first time I used Coral Rx dip to soak the coral in before and after making the cuts. Many of the videos I watched used a few drops of Lugol's in some tank water while others used dip or nothing.

What is the best approach to make sure the corals stay nice and healthy after being cut?
I use Lugol's iodine after fragging to decrease the risk of an infection.
I think anything with iodine should suffice.
I usually only dip frags with an exposed cut area such as chalices or montis.
I typically do not dip acros or zoas as their cut areas are usually glued down. Same for euphyllia as they are typically cut on the branch.
Have a container of reg SW and one with lugols in it. About 10 drops per cup for lugols. Make it look like watered down tea. You can stage them in the non lugols SW and throw one or two in the lugols awaiting fragging...frag the ones in lugols and put em back in the lugols..total time in lugols 10 minutes. Wash in reg SW and return to tank. I'm usually just rotating the frags as I'm cutting them. That way they are in the lugols for a minute or two before I frag..frag..put on plug..back in lugols..8-10 minutes total in lugols..reg SW wash off..back in tank. Never have casualties this way. Plus an iodine dip is ok even of they don't "need" it. Every now and then I may dip a zoa if it's not looking super happy in the tank anyways...just as a boost in case of anything unknown on them. Never had any, but it would be a good way to alert you of any pests as well.