Kalk Reactor help (101)


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Ok I just purchased a Precission Marine Kalk reactor. I have never setup one before.

I understand that it is best used with autotop off system. I am running the JBJ auto top off unit with an aqualift pump gettin ro/di water from a 5 fallon buckett. Now I am pretty sure that it is common since to have all paramaters set before adding (Cal 450 Alk 8-10 etc). Now my main problem is alk (From what I understand the Kalk reactor will influence Cal PH and Alk. Right?)

Second where to plumb it and how much Kalkwasser should I start off with in the reactor. I ordered the Seachem Kalkwasser (500g bottle).

Now what (well I know that I have to wait for it in the mail along with my new Ecotech MP20 that is coming). I don't have a clue. I don't know how much cal i am using per day or week.

Any help would be Grrrrrreatly appreciated.

Actually, it's *best* used along side a top-off system.

Since aqualifters are cheap, I'd get another and run it for a fixed time each night delivering a relatively fixed amount of kalkwasser. Then, after that period, turn on the top-off pump to fill in the remaining level (if any) with RO water. The reason for this is that top-off isn't always constant. Dosing a variable amount of kalkwasser can lead to overdosing if you get a high evaporation period. So I guess you'd need to buy 2 timers as well.

How much kalk in the first time depends on the size of the reactor, but assuming it's http://www.precisionmarine.com/html/kalkreactor.html">this one</a>, I'd start with about 1/2 the 500g bottle which is about 2 cups. The reactor should also have directions.

In the future, I'd buy pickling lime in the store (I think Walmart carries it pretty consistently) instead of paying for aquarium brand name kalkwasser.
Yes it is that one...Now I am running (well haven't hooked it up yet) a 1/4 chiller/heater...now if i main tain the same temp give or take 1-2deg would i bee able to just dose it with the ato as long as i maintain the same photo period as well as same fan running (to cool my bulbs or is there still just to much there to deal with as far as possible evaporating less or more on any given day...again i am trying to make this really easy...and does kalk influence ALK

Anyone that uses one feel free to share with me how yours is hooked up....this is the reason it has taken me so long to auctually get one b/c of the variables etc....
I have a ph monitor...not controller....how would i rig that up? So many diff ways that is way i am behind on the power curve on this one...soft corals was so much easier...
75rr with 20l sump...mp20 for movement...1/4 horse chiller...octopus 150 resirc skimmer....ph monitor
Your gonna want more flow than an mp20 in there, just my opinion.

In my experience aqualifters are under powered, and a safe option for top off because they add the water so slowly. if you consistantly evap the same amount of water, and have decent calcium and alk needs, then top off is the way to go.

Or you can buy a paristalic pump to deliver a precise amount of kalk all day long. You can taylor that to the amount of calcium you need, and just leave it alone.

I have one for sale... http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27893">http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27893</a>

That is BY FAR the safest way to put kalk in your tank.

But like I said if you are consistant in your needs, and evap, then top of is a great way to go. Thats how mine is set up now since I need as much as I can get...
I havent looked at my needs of cal yet b/c of an alk problem and continually doing water changes to raise it up some....Kalk reactor will raise alk right?
Well that is what i am talking about as mine has feel to about 6-7 and i am having the worst time gettin it back up
Ok here we go got it in the mail and i am attempting to set it up but can't figure out what this port does? Gimme a sec for a pic
Ok it is the valve on the return from the pump the one with the blue shut off valve it says attach feed from ro to the top fitting (the one with the connector that would go straight to the bottom of the chamber) the other one up top i am assuming goes to sump...what about the one with the little shutoff vavle?
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I don't have a clue...i was messing with it and i had it actin like a drip...not sure what it is for though
Well, I think I would use it as a drain when topping off kalk. That's one of the things I've been trying to figure out with mine as the new water input comes in the side at the bottom and saturated water out the top. I don't know how I'm going to drain a little water out to add more kalk when it's needed.
I am gonna try and run mine with my JBJ auto top off as i am evapin about 1-2 gallons a day i am just gonna let it sit till i see how much i am using a week plus i think i need to upgrade my return pump (250gph) so that the top off water ph isn't sky high when it hits the DT....I am gonna bump it up to (500gph) so that my ph probe gives a little bit more of an accurate reading