Kalk with ATO? and Reef Keeper Lite questions.


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Hi folks,

I have a question regarding adding Kalk to ATO reservior. Is this doable? How do you figure out how much Kalk to add to the reservior? I am thinking about using a Reef Keeper Lite as the ATO controller. Then I could also add a PH probe and shut off the ATO if the PH climbed to high from too much Kalk. Is this what most people using Kalk do?

This is just a 18X18X15 'cube', so would just using 2 part work better, be safer?

On a related note. How many people are using a Reef Keeper Lite? Any complaints. I will have to buy in peices, but am hoping to get the following:

Reef Keeper Lite head unit with PC4
SL2 module
Float switch adapter
PH Probe
Temp Probe
Salinity Probe (That could also cause the ATO to shutoff if salinity got too low).

Does anyone see any problems with the above?

I will be using an MP10ES with it's own controller and AI LED Lights with it's own controller since the DA add on module is more than the AI controller.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help offered.

If you use kalk put a failsafe into the ATO programming if ph is >8.4 it will not turn on the ATO and add more kalk raising the pH further.
I guess DA is having problems with their salinitiy probe. Anyone have one?

Majority do not as they are no longer available at the moment...