Kamikaze Clam


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Hello all,

I have had a small maxima clam for about 6 months and never had a problem with it. I have moved it twice and changed lighting once since I have had it--no problems. All of a sudden, it decided that it likes to skydive and jumps from every place I try to place it. I have tried areas of varying flow and height/lighitng intensity on the reef. I supplement phytoplankton once a week and maintain normal water perameters. What gives? Any suggestions on how to keep this clam in one place?
put him in the sandbed, they tend to like that a lil bit better than rocks.
I did not think maxima liked the sand? I always kept them on rocks, although they dont bore in like a crocea
Something has changed that the clam doesnt like. Flow? Neighbors? Water params? There is no QUick easy way to make a clam stay, it will stay when it likes where it is.
I tried the sandbed too, and it just ends up on its side. It has previously been perfectly happy on the rocks-- not bored in like a crocea but it concreted itself to the rocks with those secreotry protein threads that they secrete.

That being said, its stayed in place for 48 hours at my most recent attemps at placement, so lets hope it stays!

Thanks for your help guys/girls.