Kelvin Question


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<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Reefers, I have two new bulbs for my 70 W MH Sunpod HQI and was wondering what is better for coral? I have a 10K and a 14K. I am not sure of the PAR on either bulb.



10K is supposed the be better for growth, 14K will look more appealing. I can't say for the rate of growth difference, yet. I'm still using 10k's in my 90 and 14k on my smaller tank.
hard to compare as I only have two similar pieces too.
Either, not that much difference between the 2. Natural sunlight is what? Somewhere round 5000K, but looks very yellow in a tank. 10K might be marginally better for the corals, but visually, I like the 14K better.

Short answer, go with what you find most appealling, as theres not enough difference in those two bulbs to make a huge difference.....

Now, if we were talking about at 6500K and a 20,000K, that would make a huge difference, as you dont see near as much growth at 20K
It is all about the par for photosynthetic corals ,others don't care as much. The amount of par can actually be better on some 14k or 20 k bulbs than on some 10k. It has a lot to do with the ballast and bulb combo. There is a website by Dr. Sanjay that is very informative about the different combos. The problem is the lowest wattage he tested was 150 watts. the sight will still show you what I am referring to.
a> This is the link to the sight hope it helps
10K is a bit too yellow for my taste. I would probably use the 14K.
I run t-5s and I have a 10k and 18k and 2 atinics and my tank has a lil of purple tint to it, which I like.

Thats just my 2 cents
I vote 14K. reasons above^ I am a color guy, the corals will grow under either. They will just grow a little faster under the 10K

JMHO Jason
schwimmair;323750 wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS">Reefers, I have two new bulbs for my 70 W MH Sunpod HQI and was wondering what is better for coral? I have a 10K and a 14K. I am not sure of the PAR on either bulb.</span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS">Thanks,</span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS">Adam</span>

what brand bulb and what type ballast The 14 k may actually offer better par than the 10 k. The corals would then grow better in theory under the 14k than the 10k.
It is an inaccurate statement to say that the 10k will make corals grow better than a 14 k or a 14k will make corals grow better than a 20k. True that a lot of the time that is the case but not always. Alot depends on the bulb and ballast combination.