Kent Tech M (Magnesium)


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Is it okay to regularly dose Kent Tech M (Magnesium) or is it best when only used for outbreaks of bipropis? The only reason I'm asking is because every since I the first drop of this stuff hit my tank, all soft corals seem irritated. They've never looked this way before.
With the other product I used to test then it turned out that I simply needed to dose the recommended amount weekly. Once I started dosing weekly all my algae went away. I assumed it would be the same with this.
I'll check but I could put a cup of the other stuff in but with this if literally 1 drop gets in the water everything closes up.
It's been said multiple times, but don't add anything you don't/ can't test for. Magnesium can be lethal to a lot of your reef inhabitants at high levels. That being said, magnesium, at its proper levels, is essential for proper calcium and alkalinity uptake for your corals. I know a lot of people use Tech M for hair algae, but that's not the mag doing that, it's a proprietary additive that's in the solution that kills it. But I'm not sure that regular dosing of mag will do anything with other algae.