kenya tree looks bad


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hey everyone/anyone,

i have 2 big kenya trees that have been doing great, did a water change over the weekend and now they look like they are dying or molting... do they molt? .... smaller kenyas still look great, just my two big ones are looking pitiful..... now for the twist..... each tree is in different tanks and different w/c schedule... all params are right in line with where they should be..... any ideas?

you cannot kill as it kudzu of the sea. It will look bad for a few days and then spring back.
i thought Xenia was the Kudzu of the sea. lol, i guess anything that will survive a harsh change and come back stronger than ever is kudzu lol
I would start testing all your water parameters pronto.

The thing that I love about Kenya trees is that they are a great "litmus coral" -- they will tell what you need to know about your water quality at a glance.

If the Kenya trees look great, then you have good water quality. If they are not looking so good, then something is off, and you can correct it before something else tells you so in a more permanent way. (At least that's my experience)
Soarin is right about water quality indicators or changes...
Hm.... I thought Xenia was the litmus coral......

They are just "molting", watch out though because after they come back they will start fragging themselves and you'll have kenya tree in places you didn't even know you had.......
I have been able to kill them and the Xenia really fast. I am trying them again but I dont know if I will be able to grow them. They seem to look great and grow well for about 6 months and then they start dieing faster than cotton candy hitting water. But I hope yours pull threw.
Everyone is right. I had a big peice that just slumped over and died while the other piece on the rock thrived. The "dead" parts fell off and now they are growing all over the tank!
well i have more kenya than i care to have, gonna frag some and take to LFS on consignment or sell to the LFS direct.

all water params are still inline, checked again last night
Kenyas do this from time to time. If your parameters are in check, I wouldn't worry about it.