Kenya tree


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Man! I got this Kenya tree at the frag swap a month or so ago--in Sewanee I think--and someone (I think Bud) told me that I probably don't want it-its a weed-well--I should've listened-it's already growing like crazy(or a weed)-and I've tried a few times of manually removing it-and the next day, it's right back-and seems like it is promoting more growth (because it grows and grows more) I've heard of some species of angels that munch on it, and that's ok with me--it's not my favorite coral, but if it was kept "trimmed" I would be ok with that--I've got numerous SPS's and zoas right now--a couple of LPS's as well. any suggestions?
Are you trying to trim it, or cut it out?

If you try to cut it out then cut it from the base. I grabe mine and just pull it out. Keep doing it and it will die out sooner or later.
If I don't have something that will just either eat it all-or keep it trimmed, I don't want it at all-it's going crazy--I have even pulled it from the rock it was fragged on--and it just keeps coming back--I did it again yesterday I think--was like the fourth time-and I saw it back again-already! Too bad my softies and SPS cant be that hearty
If you can take the rock out then you can pill it out from right under it.
When I want to move the big tree just take the rock out and use a knife and pill it out from the rock. YOu could take like 90%+ out of the rock and use the kinfe and scrap the rest out. That a bit harder but can be done.
yeah-I fragged it on a small rock I placed on the sand-I just took the rock out that had the KT on it--and it 's coming back where the rock was-just really strange--a piece must've been either torn off or was about to fragitself or something--
If you want to get rid of it I would be more than happy to come get some if you were wanting to 86 it from your tank.. :)
I've alreay "86'd" a lot of it--like I said, it just keeps coming back--
Just let me know.. I am about 30 min away.. If you were wanting to trade I don't have much..maybe some gsp and some cabbage.. Just converted to reef.. Trying to grow out still..
dude-you can have the junk-but I was hoping something would munch on it--I've heard some angels munch on it and keep it trimmed--we can make a trade if you like--I'll trade you like 200 of the Kenya tree frags for your light fixture we talked about:thumbs: -lol--that seems pretty fair, huh?:confused2:
Can't get rid of the light.. Lol..
I went and got another 100 lbs of LR yesterday..puts me up to 330..I would love to see your any pics to send over phone?
I need to post some--lights just came on--maybe later today or tomorrow I'll post some
cold beer is always nice--lol--I do need to snap some pics. for the site, though
If you are getting that kind of crazy growth it sounds like a good nutrient export mechanism.

Wouldn't getting rid of it just free up those nutrients for another "pest" that might be more "pestiferous"?

Also, I am sure that there are a lot of us noobs that might really want a coral that is that hardy and grows really quickly -- frags of that could be really valuable to a bunch of us.

Anyway, I'm a beginner in all this, but I guess what I mean to say is -- I want a frag! I think it would be cool as a nutrient export mechanism, and since I am just starting out, "unkillable" corals seem like a good idea since I end up worrying about my tank a bit.

So let me know where you live and I will happily come take this nuisance off your hands. Maybe a month from now I will be on these boards complaining too. I already have two kinds of kenya tree but right now I like them.
no prob. guys--they're all just about 1/4'' rightnow-since I pulled them out day before yesterday or so--give them about 2 weeks--I'll post on here--I guess you do have a point--what I've found the KT to be really successful in is when it is placed like under a ledge where it gets kinda minimal light, but still gets some--anyways-I'll be in touch-I guess it is kinda a waste just throwin' them out:doh: --heck--I guess I could even sell it on Ebay --some body would prob. pay 10 bucks or so for it-could help support my fish tank habit:up: