Kids Tanks


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East Cobb
So my son just turned 6 this week and guess what my wife & I got for him...

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Yep you guessed right, his first fish tank. Its a JBJ nanocube 6g, set up and cycled 6 weeks ago so it was ready in time. A coupe of days a go when he fell asleep I moved it to his dresser, was he supersized when he woke up the next morning. The tank was empty but he was very excited to hear we would be going shopping to buy some stuff for his tank.

He picked out the gravel, Sponge Bob house, a plant and his mother picked out the treasure chest. (She has wanted to add one to my SPS tank for some time now). Its not a reef but I had a blast setting this up. Upgraded the CF light to LED's, upgraded the noisy pump to a sicce and changed out the super loud fans for some quiet ones. Pretty cool little tank.
aXio;1098252 wrote: And the addiction starts...

Thanks, we just picked up a few things at your store Wednesday evening. I need to update the picture.