Killer Cleaner Shrimp


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I just picked up a 3 stripe damsel at Keen Reef against Tim's warnings of it being a bully. I put it in the tank about 30 minutes ago and it turns out it is actually a victim. My Cleaner Shrimp immediately started trying to catch it. It sneaks up and when it gets within whisker range it attacks. The light are now out but I can still see it going on. I've had a little clown in there for a few weeks now and they get along fine. Both the clown and damsel are a little over an inch long and the cleaner shrimp is twice that. I had a clown before the one I have now that wouldn't eat and had a small hole-like wound near its tail. I thought almost jokingly at the time that it could have been from the shrimp, but I dismissed it thinking that wouldn't happen. But now I'm not so sure. Has anyone else heard of this or seen this before?
What you are probably seeing is the shrimp trying to clean it's new tank mate. They are always in search of parasites and since the new guy hasn't been cleaned lately...he's getting his turn. This is a good thing...let him be and they'll both be happy! :)
Then he is a very intense cleaner. It sure looks like he wants the whole fish instead of just the parasites. I hope you're right.
Cleaner shrimp dont "eat" parasites. They clean the entire fish's body of loose scales, mucous, necrotic tissue, etc. The new fish likely is sliming from capture and transport, and that is candy to a cleaner shrimp.
I introduced a new fish over this past weekend and he instantly went over and just about "rode" the fish. He cleaned him completely including inside of his mouth. They have a very cool symbiotic relationship with one another. I am fairly confident all will be fine. :up:
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Read The Video Description... :up:
That tank in the video is atrocious. Stagnant water with no circulation. That fish is acting oxygen deprived. Disgusting.
Sorta... Except the Shrimp is twice as big as the Damsel and the Damsel doesn't really sit there like it likes being cleaned. I guess it wasn't expecting that warm of a welcome. They're getting along better now though.

And yes jmaneyapanda that poor clown looks pitiful.