kole tang getting thin!!!


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wont eat brine or mysis. he just spits it out. i give him brown algae every day and he likes it fine. he only will eat that and algae off the rocks. what else can i do to fatten him up?:sad:
all tangs need are veggies.

You can give him different types: green, red, purple, etc.
Try also tossing some high quality veggie flake in too. The more variety the better.
they need some protein, so you can try soaking your brine in garlic. However, as raj said, they need veggies. With that you don't have enough variety in your tank for all their vitamins and nutrition. Go get some nori sheets from publix (only the ones that sell fresh sushi) and order some selcon now. Put 4 or 5 drops on a folded 1/16 of a sheet, let itvsoak in for 15, and your tang should be fine. That's twice a day minimum.
Omega One super veggie flakes work great. Try mixing in a cube of mysis in with a pinch. That's how I "tricked" our naso into eating them at our tank up at the restaurant.
I couldn't get our Kole to eat for the longest time. I picked up some purple nori from Sal, and he loves that. I switch out the purple and green ones from Sal now, and the flakes, and brine and mysis.. Kinda throw it all in there, now he'll eat most anything I toss in- except pellets.. he has to draw a line somewhere :)
My hippo tang loves pellets. I think its his favourite food. He is like pacman -- once the pellets hit the water, he scoops 5 of them up in a second. I try to only drop < 10 at a time, because he'll eat them before they hit the ground.

Sometimes I kind of worry about him choking because he eats them too fast. Can fish choke? Hahaha imagine trying to give a fish the himlac manuver?
Yeah, the purple stuff from Sals seems to be good stuff. My achilles wouldnt really eat green nori sheets or flake (just liked mysis) until I tried the purple. Now he eats everything except pellets, too.

I also fortify foods with garlic and omegas, so they have a good nutritional value.

Phoenix, my hippo loves pellets, too. My hippo was half the size of my achilles ~7 months ago, and now that I feed 3-6 times a day for the anthias, he has caught up to the achilles and is about 3.5" He is the tank pig, and even out competes the percs
My Scopas loves the purple from Sal's. He also eats pellets and anything else i throw in there.
i figured out why he hasnt been eating that much. my yellow tang as been picking on him a bit. the kole just stays in a corner and evry once in a while he will come out to eat algae when the yellow tangs not around. is there a way to keep them from fighting. also the only other time he comes out to eat is when i go up to the glass. as soon as i look at him he starts eating as if he were trying to prove something to me?
got home from school and is beaten up bad laying on his side.doesnt try to get away that much when i net him. should i put him in a different tank or just put him out of his misory?
I'd get him out in a QT tank to let him recover and consider selling him to someone that has a big tank.
It doesn't sound good. I'd get him out in another environment to give him all the chance you can.
I'd watch him closely. If he doesn't improve I would euthanize him...some will disagree but to me it's more humane than letting it suffer. I take some tank water and put in in a zip lock and put it in the freezer. My opinion entirely..like I said some people disagree.