Land and Sea


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Temple, GA
Has anyone been to Land and Sea in Dallas, GA? It’s the closest saltwater fish store to me, but I’m always skeptical about “exotic animal” stores because their fish can sometimes take the back burner. Does anyone have an opinion about the place?
I've been. Its much better if you are looking for a reptile than for fish or coral. They had some saltwater and a small selection of frags the last time I was there. They have an awesome selection of reptiles though.
I've been. Its much better if you are looking for a reptile than for fish or coral. They had some saltwater and a small selection of frags the last time I was there. They have an awesome selection of reptiles though.
That’s what I figured. Thanks again pops 👍
I get the vibe that if they're not a sponsor here then people don't really like to recommend them
Lol that’s a possibility too. I’ve been to a handful of the sponsored stores and they’re pretty good. It would make sense why Land and Sea doesn’t sponsor though since they aren’t JUST a fish store, ya know what I mean?
yep, when you own a business you get people coming in trying to sell you anything under the sun. I had someone try to sell me a fire extinguisher replacements program. I can get my own when the needle reads empty, thanks lol
yep, when you own a business you get people coming in trying to sell you anything under the sun. I had someone try to sell me a fire extinguisher replacements program. I can get my own when the needle reads empty, thanks lol
Oh geez, everyones always trying to sell you something 😂
Land and Sea is also the closest place to me. It is a place I shop weekly and I have shopped there for years. I have no interest in the reptiles or other pets that are offered there and can only comment on the Saltwater items sold there. I have purchased coral, fish, water, inverts and random marine related items. Sal is the owner. He claims he was one of the original owners of the Fish Store (Huge LFS by PDK airport). His knowledge of reef stuff is extensive and of course subject to his view points. He seems to have a very minimalistic approach to reefing and feels that less is better and crystal clear tanks are not the best representation of how fish should be kept. Anything I buy from the store livestock wise is quarantined without a doubt. His stuff has had hitchhiker's but no disease issues that I have encountered and nothing that a dip and some time cant rectify. The selection is small but the prices are never silly. The last Green Bubble Tip I bought there about 3 mos ago was a reasonable 45 dollars and is the size of a youths fist. I regularly see them here on the forum for much smaller for around $100. I believe his frag policy is 20 or 25 a frag no matter what it is. Unfortunately he normally only has about 10-20 frags and only orders more if those sell out. His inverts are about the same price as other LFS maybe a dollar cheaper when in bulk. My best recommendation for shopping here is Just before closing on Wednesdays or first thing Thursday morning. He orders on Sunday night with a Wednesday delivery and he is the last stop on the delivery route. Because everyone out here knows this and its a small town it can be busy, but if you time it correctly, you can get the pet you are looking for as it comes off the truck and get first pick of the stock without it ever going into the tank there. If you talk to Sal and want something specific he will do a custom order and the upcharge I have seen is never unrealistic. He adds it to his weekly order and puts it to the side when it comes in. This is a great way to get the item you want without paying the huge shipping fees if you only wanted a pistol shrimp. You just have to be patient and live with his order cycle. If you are looking for a big selection with crystal clear water and convenient to everything with a price that matches this is not the best place. If you are looking for a good deal and dont mind waiting for a specific thing without having to drive to Atlanta the place is worth giving a visit and in most cases will be more budget friendly than the mainstream places. Sal is an old guy who was able to turn a hobby into a business and seems to enjoy the people and the relationships more than the sale. People stop in regularly just to chat him up about stuff. I personally have not had a bad experience here that I have not also had other places.
@Coraliscool wow, I couldn’t have asked for a more in-depth explanation of the store! That’s amazing, I’ll definitely give it a go. It kinda sounds like the LFS I frequented while I was in college, and I loved that place 😂 thanks so much, Coraliscool!
Has anyone been to Land and Sea in Dallas, GA? It’s the closest saltwater fish store to me, but I’m always skeptical about “exotic animal” stores because their fish can sometimes take the back burner. Does anyone have an opinion about the place?
I've known sal for many many many years.

He has no interest in ARC. He will get ya stuff if you need it. I've never had an issue with him..

Hell, in fact I was there today and traded him a black box led for a box of Reef Crystal and a 1" bulkhead I needed..
I've known sal for many many many years.

He has no interest in ARC. He will get ya stuff if you need it. I've never had an issue with him..

Hell, in fact I was there today and traded him a black box led for a box of Reef Crystal and a 1" bulkhead I needed..
I’ve called there a few times, but have never gone. The guy I’ve talked to made it seem like their saltwater supply was a little scarce. I’d love to have a store that close to me. Maybe I’ll go sometime just to get acquainted with Sal 😂 thanks Dr
I’ve called there a few times, but have never gone. The guy I’ve talked to made it seem like their saltwater supply was a little scarce. I’d love to have a store that close to me. Maybe I’ll go sometime just to get acquainted with Sal thanks Dr
We can hook up and go together, I'll introduce you and we can work out a little something