Lawnmower Blenny Problem


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Today I notice that one of the fish's eyes was 1.5 times bigger than the other eye and hazy. I tried to look up some some information to find out what it was. Unfortunately there were no posts that seem to be exactly what my fish has acquired. The only thing that has been added to my tank in the last two months was 5 snails which went in on last Saturday. I will try and take a picture and post it tomorrow, but in the mean time I would appreciate any information that you could impart upon me about opaque (only slightly) swollen eyes.
I don't think that it is popeye, unless it is in the very beginning stages(it isn't popping out of his head, just like he took a punch from a crab . . . I have been telling them to knock of the horse play cause someone always gets hurt). I will keep an eye on it to make sure. Are there alot of eye infections that are contagious? Which are teh worst to have? I will look up pictures of those so I can compare it to what my guy has. I would hate for my other fish to get it too.
Try some kanaplex to soak his food in. Pellets are great for this if he already feeds on them.
If it is not symmetrical (both eyes equally), I would think it is just trauma of some kind. Just provide clean water. I would not suggest medications.
A pic would be beneficial...

I concur with Jeremy that if it's a mechanical injury and it's clean (ie no sign of infection) I'd watch and wait.

But I also concur with Smoothie that if there's an infection, Kanaplex (and Focus as a binder) in some food would help clear that up.

Is the fish still eating and otherwise behaving normally?

jmaneyapanda;353036 wrote: If it is not symmetrical (both eyes equally), I would think it is just trauma of some kind. Just provide clean water. I would not suggest medications.

No, it is definitely not both eyes. I do give garlic daily with feedings, so their immune systems should be very healthy. His eating habits haven't changed (still a pig). I would like to avoid putting medications in my tank as I have alot of different lps, sps, zoas, softies, etc. I looked up kanaplex on seachem's website and it said that it cannot be safely recommended in reef tanks. I understand that it is probably to cover their own rearends, but is it okay to use in a reef tank? or should I try to catch(maybe impossible) and quarantine?
I would not treat the water with Kanaplex in a reef - but it can be used as a food "soak" - there are directions on it on what proportion to mix with frozen food paste. If you go this route, use Seachem Focus to bind the medicine to the food (or it largely gets rinsed away once the food hits the water).

What many do is make a "batch" of medicated food - directions are for a tablespoon of food and appropriate amounts of med of your choice (ie Kanaplex) and Focus. Since a tablespoon may be too much food to add at once, the food can be refrozen. What I suggest is to make a "batch", and put it into a Ziplock bag, smooth it out into a thin layer in the bag, and refreeze it. Then when it's frozen, it's easy to break off a portion for feeding (as opposed to if it's frozen in a glob).

Doing this carefully shouldn't adversely affect anything.

I just wanted to thank everyone who responded to this thread. Just as a follow up . . . apparently the eye problem was due to some injury. He his fine and no longer has any signs of swelling or opacity. Thanks again