led light upgrade


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Hey guys moving to a new place and in the move the wife told me i had to either lower the power bill from the tank or get rid of the tank, i figured the most noticeable power usage diffrence would be lights, currently running a 6 bulb t5ho unit on my 3ft 65 gal tank. I want to try to go with a led unit, i am looking at the aquatic life edge and the marineland reef capable led. My question on the matter is would either of those two systems be ok for my corals : zoas/pallys, leathers, shrooms, xenia, frogspawn, and hammers. If not if i got 2 of either could it then support them? If i got two what could i put under it, birds nest, monti cap? So in a nut shell wat can i keep under each system with 1 and 2 lights. If running 2 lights would i still be using less power? If those systems are not capable can you point me in the direction of something that is around the same price range? Thanks guys ill check back here in the morning time for some shut eye. :sleeping:

http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_ViewItem.aspx?idproduct=AK01284&idCartRow=61179796&isKit=0&child=AK01285">http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_ViewItem.aspx?idproduct=AK01284&idCartRow=61179796&isKit=0&child=AK01285</a> -aquaticlife edge

[IMG]http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=24725">http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=24725</a> -marineland reef capable
I would stay away from both, they are both pretty crappy lights for the price and can hardly support anything.
If you want that price and powerful enough to grow sps well you're gonna need to go with some off brand stuff.
I was surfing around and stumbled onto this guys amazing corals. All led grown.
He uses 9 of these on his 400g DT

here's a link to his coral pics: warning, you may cry when you see these...

here's his build thread:

Of course the lights don't make the tank, there's a million nuances that go into it, but seeing someone else that can do it well is a good starting point for me.

I tried copying reeferman's lighting and I'm still woefully short of his amazing tank... maybe someday though!
I would stick to the t5s personally... Or wait until you can grab a better light.

Really though, with the right bulbs, t5 can do any job imo
I think his main goal was to make the boss happy and lower the electric bill though, or toss the tank...

I'm amazed at how much less electricity and house air conditioning is required once i switched to led from my MH/PC combo light. AND i got at least 2 times the par, probably more like 3 times honestly.
outdrsyguy1;1012675 wrote: I think his main goal was to make the boss happy and lower the electric bill though, or toss the tank...

I'm amazed at how much less electricity and house air conditioning is required once i switched to led from my MH/PC combo light. AND i got at least 2 times the par, probably more like 3 times honestly.

Lol I somehow missed that first sentence.. Sorry! Ignore me
I'd get a 1 or 2 maxpect razors. In my opinion, its one of the best lights on the market in addition to being fairly reasonably priced.
If you want decently cheap led's look into ocean revives. I sold my kessils and bought 2 Ocean revive fixtures. I was surprised that they have done so well. Seem really well built.

Do you have a sump setup? If so check the wattage of your return pump. Lots of low energy options out there these days.
looking into the ocean revive, but someone just linked me to these? Anyone have any experience with them? If i get them ill get 2.
