LED Skimmer for 29g - Recommendations


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I have a 29g standard (30x12 footprint) that I'd like to set up as a basic reef. I'm only planning on simple corals (mostly zoa) for this and a couple of small fish. For filtration, I plan on live rock & skimmer. No sump and it will need to be covered because it's going in my office. Lighting will need to be low heat since I can't put a chiller or fan on this. I'm thinking LED but I'm not sure about the current market since I haven't set up a tank in a while. Also, I haven't done much research on the skimmer yet but if anyone has recommendations I'd appreciate it. Budget is a concern but not as much as it is with a larger setup. I'm more interested in quality than name brand.

IMHO Reef Octopus is near the top of the food chain. I went through a bunch of skimmers before I realized I was wasting my money on inferior skimmers. LEDs have really come down in pricing recently and quality has improved dramatically. I have always run the ReefBreeder LEDs and they have done amazingly well for me in terms of growth and color. Could MH'S or T5s do better, absolutely. But, as in all things you get what you pay for in terms of equipment. I always buy a new piece of equipment with the mindset that I may upgrade in the future. Just my 2 cents.
It all depends on your budget. Reef Octopus is a good value, and so is Reefbreeders, but if budget allows there are more fancy and efficient toys to be had.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
If it were me I'd go without a skimmer for a tank that size. I'm running a 24g nanocube skimmerless. As long as you keep up with the water changes you won't need it. If you use a quality salt you probably won't need to dose either. Just something to consider.
Reefbreeders is one of the names I came across in my research. I think I'll go with that. I like the idea of going skimmerless. If there are problems, I can always add one later.