Led/Tank Replacement


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I purchased a pair of Maxspect Razor (R420R) LED lights in 2013. To me they still appear to be working fine. Is there a certain length of time that these lights can run before needing to be replaced or is there something I'm supposed to look for to know when to replace the lights?

Next question...I've had my 75 Gallon tank for running for about 18 years now with no issues. How often should a tank be replaced or once again, what should I look for to know when to replace my tank?

As far as the LEDs, they don’t really deteriorate over time or shift in spectrum like Halides/VHO/T5s. If the LEDs all work, you should be ok. The only thing I would double check is the violet/uv leds and any optics attached to them. Short wavelength LEDs tend to die quicker and they absolutely wreck polycarbonate lenses etc.

As far as the tank, the longest time I had the same tank running is like 4-5 years so I am no expert, but imho the more mature your tank, the better. If it’s DSB, it can reportedly cause issues after a long run, but I’ve never experienced any negatives myself.

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