lemon juice for eliminating Aiptasia??


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anyone ever try it?
Tried it, they grew back, and that was with me injecting it directly into them with a needle.

Try Dave's Lye treatment..... That sucker works...
I have used lemon juice quite a bit and it has always worked very well for me. The only time it didn't kill them immediately was if they were attached in a tight cranny and I couldn't get the needle into the body before they retracted. Other than that, it kills them instantly.
I've used it successfully. The trick is getting enough in the body. I've found that you have to inject enough that you can actually see it through the "skin".
so you eject it into the side of the "stem" or from above in the center?
and this is totally reef safe?
yep. used a diatetic needle....inserted it directly through the mouth (or close proximity) and injected it until I could see the lemon juice through the membrane of the body (it turns white in water). The aptasia will want to pull back but you have to stay with it. In larger aptasia cases, I've had to dose it up to 3 times to get a complete kill. You can inject it anywhere as long as you inject it. Joe's Juice says you just need to get it to the tentacles and that relies on the aptasia injesting it. I've not had great luck with this method. So far, lemon juice has worked best for me...JMO.
You should be able to get needles at the local pharmacy for $.25 each, or thereabouts.
Use kalk paste. That is what Aptasia X made of. It doesn't affect your system and practically safe.
Kalk paste was 50/50 for me. Reef "Napalm" (Dave's Kalk/Lye mix) is a thermonuclear event on aiptasia.