Length of Anemone Tentacles?


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I have a green bubble-tip anemone and am wondering about how far it will extend its stinging tentacles, so I will know how far away I need to place other corals.


The funny thing here is the fact that you think the bubble-tip will stay where you want it... I think you would have better luck getting it where you want it if you placed it in the worst possible place in your tank and willed it into place... then again if you put it in the worst place that is where it would stay...LOL
my bta streches it's tentacles about 2" when it gets hungry. Add that too the 3" it can strech it's base. I would keep about 6" of space....maybe more.
my green stays small-, but I've got like a maroon or salmon color-it's got at least a 12'' spread--but like harleyguy said, they're prob. gonna move, so you just need to put him in (but go ahead and place him where you want him, who knows, he might stay), and adjust everything else around him---and he may even move again; my GBTA moved about 5 times before finding his current home, and hasn't moved for a while now
When I first got it, I placed it in a spot where I thought it looked good, knowing it would likely move. It did in a few days and to a spot where it looks realeven better. That was a few weeks ago...so I hope it stays there. There is a Kenya tree next to it, but thus far, no sign of damage.
For my BTA, I had to find an area with medium to low flow. If you can, make a ledge and you'd be surprised how accomodating a BTA can be. They really can travel around a tank with surprising speed. I once had to "rescue" mine from an eddie that had formed between a pump outlet and a powerhead. The BTA was just kind of slowly spinning like a pinwheel.

Mine would spread out to about 6 inches or more when it was hungry.
You can also put some rocks around the foot. Not on it obviously. But doing that will helpit feel more secure and less likely to move around. Tho thats just my observations.