What a beautiful wrasse. I researched them quite a bit and considered putting one in my tank. They're described as expert because they have high mortality rates in captivity. From my understanding the primary cause of death is simply starvation. These fish have extremely high metabolisms, on par or greater than some of the most active anthias. They need to be fed often and constantly with high nutrient food i.e. the dry stuff. The frozen foods are mostly water and don't pack as many calories as the flake or pellet foods.
Anyways, they do require substrate for burrowing. Crushed coral might be alright, I've seen burrowing wrasses do just fine with it. Although, the finer it is the better typically. It should go into an established tank with few pod hunters simply so it can sustain its high metabolism by snacking all day between its many meals. Basically I would not recommend this wrasse unless you mind feeding your tank a LOT, and can handle the excess nutrient load it requires. If you choose not to feed it a lot then it may survive, but more likely this high metabolism fish will start to starve to death. Once on the downtrend, its hard to reverse. Anyways, its a beautiful fish, and it can be kept in captivity... but I felt it wasn't worth the trouble and should be left in the wild.