Lets talk about Nuvo


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I was in the LD+FS this afternoon and was just looking around and getting bitten by more bugs to get started. I ws looking to see their prices on the Bio Cube and they didnt carry them, but carried the Nuvo's. Um...what a sleek, sexy little unit. I was looking at the 16 gallon that came with the lights, but was also thinking about the cheaper 30 gallon that DIDNT come with the lights.

Does anyone here have any experience with the Nuvo's? Likes? dislikes? Give me the scoop!
Alllllllmooooost bought a Black 16 back in November 2011. Got scared off by the initial round of build quality issues as it was my first reef tank.

But lots of people run them nowadays without issue. Personally I'd only buy from a local store - IM's support is usually decent but the odd horror story still pops up now and then and moreso than would be expected for their attempt to be a presence in the boutique tank market (even at the lower-cost end of it). Even a 16 gallon's an expensive thing to ship back to the manufacturer on your nickel... at least locally you have a resource to get it right the first time rather than buying sight-unseen and hoping there's no scratches, cut defects, silicon beads/flaws or the like.

The 24 looks absolutely incredible, but make sure you don't get an early unit - issues with 5mm glass being used and a spate of corner stress fractures post-fill as a result of it not being able to handle the stress of shipping, fill & flow. Newer ones are built with 7mm glass and SHOULD be fine.

Fortunately there's at least 2 or three local sponsors that carry the whole line of 'em!
Just my $.02. Get the cheaper without the 9 watt lights. You will want to upgrade those anyway.
My local lfs stopped carrying them because of the design of the biocube but a couple of small mods makes for beautiful tanks!

there are benifits of buying new locally but you pay for the security * maybe lol) of peace of mind.

if you can budget buy new what fits you and what you want later down the road....

Bigger IS better! :)
Which store is yours, Just Josh? I was in the store in Woodstock today when I saw the Nuvo and fell in love with it. It is one sexy tank!

If I got the cheaper one without the lights, the light fixture for it was a 250.00 light fixture. It was, however, cooler than the other side of the pillow! This thing can be set to turn on in the morning and gradually get brighter over the early morning (just like in the wild) and get to its brightest during the afternoon and then gradually start to dim until the "sun" goes down. I was blown away by this LED. The only drawback for me was the glass lid on the tank reflected the LED's something terrible. My wife would get a headache looking at it.
I have had 2 of them. I had a 16 that I LOVED!!! I currently have a 30 I have taken down. I would have left it up, but need to consoldate a few... It is a white walled and I have the bigger tablet LED with it. The IM stands SUCK!!! They are very cheaply made. I would recommend getting a better stand or a piece of furniture. If you are interested I have in in the for sale thread. I have live rock, sand, heater, return pump. The tank has been up for a little over a year with no issues. I want to get one of the 24's when I do another build. That will be spring. I have a hidden agenda for this build...
There is also a NICE 16 in the for sale thread as well. It has a very nice oak stand as well.

Edit: http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=86824">http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=86824</a>
Here is the 30 gallon
Have you been to optimum they have a 30 jbj that's really nice and comes with a stand for $329 unfortunately no light though